
Auslan features in new storm-ready videos

Ipswich City Council has joined with Auslan to launch a series of emergency preparedness videos for residents who are deaf or hearing impaired.

The videos feature helpful tips and tricks to prepare Ipswich residents for storm season and have now been made accessible with Auslan interpretation added to each one.

Mayor Teresa Harding said access and inclusion makes communities liveable for everyone.

“As we head into storm season, it’s important every Ipswich resident and ratepayer has access to the information they need to get prepared,” Mayor Harding said.

“This series of Auslan emergency videos supports our community members to access information in an equal and dignified manner.”

The videos follow Council’s partnership with Queenslanders with Disability Network, the University of Sydney’s Centre for Disability Research and Policy and the State Government to promote disability inclusive disaster risk reduction, established in February this year.

Council has also been consulting and working with community networks to ensure Ipswich is an accessible and inclusive place to live.

The 1 Nicholas Street Council administration building includes Persons with Disability (PWD) car parking adjacent to passenger lifts and PWD toilets on all levels, hearing loops can also be accessed on the first floor or at the chambers.

The Ipswich Children’s Library also has PWD access from Nicholas Street and Union Place, PWD ambulant toilets, hearing loops, tactiles to public areas and a PWD counter and information kiosk.

The Auslan emergency preparedness videos can be viewed at Council’s YouTube channel at

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