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Behind the Screens: Topping out a new Hotel Commonwealth

View from the old hotel looking north towards the river, overlooking the new expansion.

Since last peeking behind the safety screens at the Hotel Commonwealth, roofing for the major expansion has gotten well underway and will soon mark the ‘topping out’ of the iconic watering hole for a new generation.

Take a 360 degree view of both outside and inside the revived Hotel Commonwealth.

Despite wet and humid weather extremes continuing throughout the last weeks of summer, around 80 per cent of the roof has now been installed, ready to protect and house patrons in all weather extremes for years to come.

Internal wall framing is underway in both basements and the services level, with various mechanical, electrical, and plumbing lines continuing to be installed across the three-storey venue.

A major component of the hotel’s expansion is a new, modern amenities building that connects to the east side of the heritage hotel.

When first built, the hotel offered four sitting rooms, a bar and dining room and 13 bedrooms – and the city was home to just several thousand people.

Now, the expanded hotel’s new amenities will be fit for a thriving and rapidly-growing city of more than 250,000 people, with a new staircase and major steel framing for the structure now complete.

Right now, AusHotels are eagerly preparing to move in once the expansion work is complete, ready for their contractors to complete the internal fit out and open the grand hotel’s doors once again.

Over the next few weeks, construction crews will be busy completing the final roof installation; continuing internal wall framing, services installation, and wall lining; and commencing the lift installation.

We’ll be back behind the screens of the Hotel Commonwealth in four weeks’ time to update you on progress.

Join us in a fortnight as we go back behind the screens of the Venue building, Ipswich’s new leisure and entertainment precinct being built just around the corner from the iconic Hotel Commonwealth. With both the Venue and Hotel Commonwealth on track to open their doors later this year, there is plenty to look forward to in Nicholas Street Precinct in 2024.

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