
Connected city lighting project brings more than cost savings

SMART connected LED street lighting in Ipswich is already bringing cost savings and opening up the potential role technology can play in the future development of the city.

Council currently owns approximately two per cent (455) of the city’s 24,500 street lights with Energex owning the balance.

Economic Development and Digital City Committee chairman Cr Paul Tully said the Connected City Lighting Program was one of the projects within the Smart City Program.

“What we have here is the opportunity to take the humble street light and turn it into part of a connected network.

“Other benefits include potential reduction in council’s power bill for street lighting through accurate and instant meter readings.

“This will supersede the current unmetered flat rate tariff on street lights which is costing council up to $4 million a year.”

Cr Tully said since February 2017 council was focused on the acquisition of LED street lights.

“This current project covers an additional 25 street lights in two separate locations with the potential to expand this to three sites.

“Smart LED street lighting and its associated smart technology is of national importance and demonstrates council’s commitment to energy efficiency and future application of Smart City technologies,” Cr Tully said.

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