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Councillors and council staff roll up sleeves to save lives

Ipswich City Council Deputy Mayor Russell Milligan gives blood as part of the Australian Red Cross Lifeblood's Local Government Blood Drive, 1 August 2023

One in three Aussies will at some point in life need a blood transfusion.

Ipswich City Council has teamed up with the Australian Red Cross Lifeblood to support their national Local Government Blood Drive, which is held each year over the winter months of July, August and September.

Ipswich City Council Deputy Mayor Russell Milligan said between now and the end of September, the race is on to provide vital blood and plasma that will save lives in the community.

“In local government there are many local heroes doing great things in our community! Giving blood or plasma donations is another powerful way our people can become true heroes for someone in need, and it feels good knowing the difference you’re making in their life,” Deputy Mayor Milligan said.

“Blood and plasma donations quite literally save lives, and you never know when that life may be your own, that of someone you love, a friend or work colleague.

“I’m healthy and eligible to donate, so I give as often as I’m able to – it’s that simple.

“My partner has fought cancer and throughout her treatment journey, she was assisted by generous donations of blood and plasma.

“Giving back is very personal for me and it’s something that’s close to my heart.”

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Australian Red Cross Lifeblood spokesperson Sandee Thompson welcomed Ipswich City Council’s leadership in supporting this year’s Local Government Blood Drive.

“We’re calling on all local government organisations to come together to make an impact and show they’re the heart of our community,” Ms Thompson said.

“Last year 37 team members from Ipswich City Council contributed 46 life-giving donations of blood and plasma during the blood drive, saving up to 138 lives.

“This year, we are hoping to see even more lives saved as every drop counts.”

“At this time of year, many of our regular donors are unable to donate due to illness such as colds and flu, however the need for blood never takes a sickie, so we need new donors to step up and take their place.”

To book a donation either as a group or individual, call 13 14 95, visit or download the Donate Blood app.

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