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‘Do not consume’ fish advice expanded for Bremer River


A fish consumption warning for the Bremer River has been expanded following a review of sampling results from the RAAF Base Amberley per- and poly-fluoroaklkyl substances (PFAS) Environmental Investigation.

In June 2018, as a precautionary measure, the public was advised not to consume fish caught in the Bremer River and Warrill Creek, located in the RAAF Base Amberley Investigation Area.

That advice has been extended to apply downstream to the Cribb Park area.

It is now recommended the public:

  • Do not consume fish caught from the Bremer River in areas adjacent to RAAF Base Amberley and downstream to Cribb Park, Ipswich (catch and release only).
  • Do not consume fish caught from Warrill Creek adjacent to RAAF Base Amberley (catch and release only).

The sampling results identified levels of types of PFAS – perfluorooctance sulfonate (PFOS) and perfluorohexane sulfonate (PFHxS) above the Food Standards Australia and New Zealand investigation trigger levels in fish caught from these locations downstream of the investigation area.

Warning signs along the Bremer River and Warrill Creek in the investigation area, and downstream, will be updated.

Defence expects to release the Human Health Risk Assessment and Ecological Risk Assessment reports as part of the RAAF Base Amberley Environmental Investigation and conduct a community engagement event in the second quarter of 2019.

For more information on the precautionary advice visit

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