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How you can give Bushcare a go

Community-led environmental improvements are stronger than ever with the addition of three new Bushcare groups across the City of Ipswich.

Environment and Sustainability Committee Chairperson Councillor Russell Milligan said council’s Bushcare program had volunteer-run sites from Bellbird Park to Rosewood.

“We are excited to welcome three new groups at Denmark Hill Conservation Reserve in Ipswich Central, Lorikeet Street Reserve in Bundamba and North Ipswich Wetlands in Tivoli,” Cr Milligan said.

“During March and April we encourage residents to go down to a local Bushcare site and have a go at one of the regular working bees. You can find all the details on council’s Volunteer Portal.”

Cr Milligan said the Bushcare program was achieving environmental improvements across a diverse range of landscapes.

“This includes waterways, wetlands, urban habitat, an arboretum and more – all home to significant species of native plants and animals and providing many ecosystem functions,” he said.

“Bushcare is also a wonderful way to meet like-minded people who care for the environment and are committed to making a difference. You can also learn many skills from plant identification to land restoration techniques.”

Cr Milligan said the new Bushcare group at Lorikeet Street Reserve, Bundamba would be doing careful work replacing weeds with native plants while managing the needs of the local flying fox colony.

“We need to maintain the microclimate so these important pollinators are safe in their habitat,” Cr Milligan said.

Cr Milligan said that the North Ipswich Wetlands at Tivoli have been looked after by the community for more than two decades, but recently joined the Bushcare program as Friends of the Wetlands group.

“We are excited to have this scenic area as part of the Bushcare program and look forward to ongoing improvements that will benefit waterway health and the local catchment,” Cr Milligan said.

In 2023 the Bushcare program also welcomed its first group in an Enviroplan conservation area.

Ginny Fogerty is one of the Group Leaders of the Denmark Hill Bushcare group, and said she was inspired to care for this special natural area in her neighbourhood.

“We have a lot of plans for Denmark Hill Bushcare. I really hope to see the group grow into a real presence within our community,” Ms Fogerty said.

Ms Fogerty said the group’s first working bee in February was a huge success, with a diverse group of people working together, learning about weeds and native plants and working for a good cause.

“There is a place for everyone. Even if you are unable to help out with manual work, we could always use help in other areas such as morning teas, event planning, social media, clean up and more,” Ms Fogerty said.

“At the end of the day, this is all about community and working together to create habitat and preserve our beautiful and diverse native species.”

To volunteer visit https://www.ipswich.qld.gov.au/live/our-community/volunteering

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