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Illegal parking in emergency zones and disability bays to be outlawed

Crackdown on illegal parking in off-street carparks. Photo:

Ipswich City Council is set to crack down on people parking illegally in emergency zones, disability bays, on grassed areas and blocking entries and exits to carparks.

Council recently reviewed, updated and has now endorsed various amendments to its local laws in the most significant changes since they were introduced, some decades ago, then overhauled in 2013.

This included the review of Local Law No.5 Parking (and the respective Subordinate Local Law 5.1).

General Manager of Infrastructure and Environment Charlie Dill said several amendments are focused around the removal of some existing parking permit categories.

“There have also been changes to declared traffic areas and the addition of more off-street regulated parking areas,” he said.

Particular reference is made to the additional off-street regulated parking areas. From 1 November the local law changes takes effect and the below outlined carparks will become enforceable carparks.

Previously, council did not have the ability to ticket and fine motorists for parking illegally in these areas.

Additional Off-Street Regulated Parking Areas:

• Marsden Parade Off-Street Carpark (this includes the two off-street carparks)
• Olga Street off-Street Carpark
• Robelle Domain and Lagoon (this includes the Lagoon Carpark and the Ian Keilar Drive Carpark)
• Queens Park
• Limestone Park (Salisbury Road Carpark)
• Rosewood Library (the carpark will become regulated once it is operational, currently still in construction)

“Although the local laws will be in effect from 1 November, council will provide a grace period regarding compliance activities concerning the off street carparks to enable motorists to adapt to the new regulated parking precincts. This grace period will be one month,” Mr Dill said.

For more information on the local law reviews and on the specific changes can be found at

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 >>>Big changes proposed for some local laws

Ipswich First

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