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Revamped Riverview Community Centre set to reopen

Riverview Community Centre will be re-opening its doors to the public next Tuesday, with an afternoon of family fun.

There will be a sausage sizzle, drumming circle and information stalls set up to celebrate Riverview Community Centre, which has just undergone a much-needed makeover.

Council’s carpenters, painters and electricians have been busy sprucing up the building, repainting walls, fixing plumbing and installing new lights.

The new look comes just weeks after Ipswich City Council took over the management of the Riverview Community Centre.

Community, Cultural and Economic Development General Manager, Ben Pole, said more work will be carried out over the coming months to enhance the space for the community.

“The place is looking fantastic and council will continue to invest in the centre as it hosts more wonderful community programs to bring the people of Riverview together,” Mr Pole  said.

“Over the coming months, we will look at the type of support the centre needs from council, and how we can make the facility an effective focal point for community.

“We’d like to commend those who’ve help put such vibrant programs in place.

“We know how much work is involved, and we’re aware of the genuine value that these programs bring to the community. Some of the ways people within the centre have changed others’ lives for the better is extraordinary.”

Mr Pole said the centre was a key player when it came to tackling social issues.

“Youth in particular are provided a real sense of identity and belonging by some of the programs offered at the centre,” he said.

“Others who are in need know they can lean on the services operating from the centre for support and guidance. Now, we realise we need to do more to ensure the centre has a bright and expanded future.”

Riverview Community Centre hosts a number of community programs and events.

If you’re interested in what is happening at Riverview Community Centre and want to check out the centre, or you would like to put some suggestions forward, then come along to the opening next Tuesday, 13 August from 230pm to 6pm.

If you want to contact Riverview Community Centre, you can call Acting Community Development Coordinator Tanya Appleton on 07 3810 6666 or email us at


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