
Scratchie win for Springfield dad

A Springfield dad has two things to celebrate this week – a $10,000 win and the birth of his baby.

He bought the winning $1 Instant Scratch-It ticket at Nextra Orion in Springfield and said he was in shock when he realised he’d won.

“I couldn’t believe it when I scratched it, I was shaking and completely pumped with adrenaline,” he said.

“After I settled down a bit, I then started to think I might have accidentally bought some kind of novelty ticket, but I took the ticket down to the newsagency and they confirmed it.

“It took a while to sink in, but I was pumped. It’s so exciting.”

The win couldn’t have come at a better time for the Springfield man and his partner, who are celebrating the birth of their new baby.

“We will use the prize to pay off some bills and the rest we will use for the kids,” he said.

Nextra Orion owner Rashmi Ganesh said she couldn’t be happier for her customer.

“He was so happy, but so nervous. He was giving everyone high fives and almost did a handstand,” she said.

“We were all so happy for him. You couldn’t wipe the smile off any of our faces.

“He told us he’d just had a baby and I said to him, the baby must have given him luck.”

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