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Switch off before you head off, Ipswich

Holidaymakers packing up for a summer break are being urged to switch off their electrical appliances off before heading off.

Energy Minister Dr Anthony Lynham said flicking the switch before leaving home saved power and reduced the chances of faulty equipment causing a fire.

“Whether you’re heading off for a few days or a number of weeks, it’s a good idea to go from room to room methodically switching off appliances at the wall – particularly those that don’t need to be on while you’re away,” Dr Lynham said.

“By doing this you’re reducing the likelihood of an appliance failing while you’re away and possibly causing a fire.

“You’ll also be saving energy because many appliances, like TVs, microwaves and entertainment systems, have a standby mode and unless you turn them off at the wall, they’ll continue to use power while you’re away.”

Dr Lynham said Queenslanders taking a longer break of more than a week should make an extra effort by clearing out refrigerators and freezers if practical.

“If you are taking an extended holiday, it’s worthwhile considering clearing out and switching off fridges and freezers for further peace of mind while you’re away,” he said.

“No-one wants to come home from holiday to a fridge or freezer full of spoiled food if there’s been a fault while they’re away.

“By taking a few precautions you can help ensure your house will be just as you left it, and your next power bill won’t be a shock when it arrives.”

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