
Traffic switch explained – what it means for Ipswich motorists

Springfield residents will be driving on four lanes on the Springfield Parkway and Springfield Greenbank Arterial sooner than anticipated, with final works on the project getting underway.

Growth, Infrastructure and Waste Committee Chair Mayor Teresa Harding said a major traffic switch was implemented overnight on Thursday 29 June.

The switch will fast-track completion of Stage 1 of the project.

“The upgrade of Springfield Parkway and Springfield Greenbank Arterial from two to four lanes is one of Ipswich City Council’s biggest road upgrade projects, and it’s exciting to see Stage 1 so close to completion,” Mayor Harding said.

“This year’s budget included $23.7 million to progress Stage 1 and Stage 3 works on these major roads, which are critical access routes for Springfield residents.

“On Thursday night a traffic switch will significantly alter how residents drive through and around this major upgrade, including changing access to Escarpment Drive.

“The change could save at least eight weeks on project construction, meaning motorists will be reaping the benefits of the work sooner.”

Changes to Springfield Parkway and Springfield Greenbank Arterial around the Hymba Yumba School.

Growth, Infrastructure and Waste Committee Deputy Chair and Division 2 Councillor Paul Tully said the traffic switch would be closely monitored.

“This work is being undertaken to facilitate the construction of new traffic lights, replacing the roundabout at Springfield Greenbank Arterial and Springfield Parkway,” Cr Tully said.

“Making these changes to traffic flow will give the construction team more room to work on the new traffic lights, which will speed up completion and reduces lengthy delays for residents.

“Once the switch is complete, the existing roundabout will be removed and traffic will flow continuously between the Bridgewater Road and Centenary Highway roundabouts.”

The changes will remove the ability to turn right from Springfield Greenbank Arterial onto Springfield Parkway towards Springfield Lakes, and remove the ability to travel straight through from Springfield Parkway to Springfield Greenbank Arterial if traveling towards the Orion Shopping Centre.

Division 2 Councillor Nicole Jonic said the changes would ensure residents could travel safely through the area with the minimum possible disruption while allowing contractors to work throughout the day.

“While this is a big adjustment in how residents drive through and around Springfield, the change will only be for a relatively short time before the new traffic lights are completed and Stage 1 is finalised,” Cr Jonic said.

“Council assessed all available options for traffic flow during this major construction stage before opting for this traffic switch.”

Changes to Springfield Parkway towards the roundabout at Centenary Highway Exit 31.

Changes to Springfield Parkway at the Springfield College Drive and Bridgewater Drive roundabout.

What is happening?

Traffic changes will alter how motorists, pedestrians and cyclists travel along Springfield Parkway and Springfield Greenbank Arterial from the night of Thursday 29 June.

The switch is being made to allow contractors more space to install new traffic lights, removing the roundabout at Springfield Parkway and Springfield Greenbank Arterial, and completing Stage 1 of this major road upgrade.

The changes include alterations to access to Escarpment Drive and temporarily restrict Springfield Greenbank Arterial Traffic turning right onto Springfield Parkway and Springfield Parkway traffic traveling south onto Springfield Greenbank Arterial Traffic.  This traffic will utilise uturn arrangements at the Bridgewater Rd and Centenary Highway roundabouts.

Residents will likely see significant change to the roadworks quite quickly after the traffic switch and this will be the last major traffic switch for the Stage 1 works on Springfield Greenbank Arterial.

Why is this happening?

This traffic change will allow council’s contractors to fast-track the completion of the signalised intersection and Stage 1.

Making the changes will allow the contractors to work all day on the project without traffic interruptions and will reduce the need for nightworks.

Overall, the change is expected to save eight weeks in construction time and will mean the completion of Stage 1 sooner than expected, improving access for motorists.

When is this happening?

The traffic switch was made on Thursday 29 June and is anticipated to last for up to 12 weeks.

What does this include?

Phase 1 will be for two weeks:

  • Removal of the Springfield Greenbank Arterial Springfield Parkway roundabout and implement a continuous flow of traffic arrangement.
  • The Escarpment Drive Springfield Parkway intersection will become a dedicated left-turn in only.
  • Vehicles leaving the Escarpment Drive Estate will need to use the Springfield Greenbank Arterial exit.
  • The Escarpment Drive Springfield Greenbank Arterial intersection will open to left-turn in and left-turn out traffic only.
  • Vehicles accessing the Centenary Motorway will use either Eden Station Road or detour via the Main Street roundabout, then Bridgewater roundabout.
  • Vehicles needing to turn right will detour via Main Street roundabout then Bridgewater Road roundabout.

Phase 2 will be for 10 weeks:

  • The Escarpment Drive Springfield Parkway intersection will be a dedicated left-turn out only, with vehicles merging into Springfield Parkway.
  • Vehicles requiring access to the Centenary Motorway will use either Eden Station Road, or detour via Main Street roundabout and Bridgewater Road roundabout.
  • The Escarpment Drive Springfield Greenbank Arterial intersection will open to left-turn in and left-turn out traffic movements only.
  • Vehicles requiring to turn right will use the Springfield Parkway intersection or the detour via Main Street roundabout.
  • Vehicles requiring access to the Centenary Motorway will use either Eden Station Road or detour via Main Street roundabout and Bridgewater Road roundabout.

Changes to the Springfield Greenbank Arterial and Eden Station Drive intersection near Brighton Homes Arena.

What about access to Hymba Yumba school?

For Hymba Yumba School access, some traffic will need to detour via Main Street roundabout, under the guidance of Traffic Control.

Will this change access to public transport?

A temporary bus stop will also be provided on Escarpment Drive for the duration of the project.

What is council doing to manage the traffic impacts during this time?

The changes are being closely monitored to ensure they work as planned and don’t unduly impact residents.

Traffic control will be on-site throughout the change to ensure motorists can travel safely through the affected area.

There will be an eight-week milestone to review if the switch is still acceptable and if works can be completed in 12 weeks.  At this time alternative switch arrangements may be considered.

Who can I speak to about this?

For more information on the project, residents can contact council by calling (07) 3810 6666 or emailing [email protected]

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