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Are you feeling left behind with rapid changes in technology and language?
Struggling to understand what it all means?

Let us help you get up to speed with our top five ‘geek speak’ terms and the latest technology event in our own backyard at Fire Station 101.

Hackathon: an event where people (hackers) meet to engage in collaborative computer programming
Technology Incubator: a place to encourage technology based entrepreneurs to start new businesses in shared workspace and support from like-minded people
IoT: Internet of Things – any device embedded with electronics, software that connects to a computer network and internet
Virtual Reality: Devices and headsets which provide three dimensional images allowing the wearer to have near real experiences
Net Neutrality: Governments should not speed limit internet access on a site by site basis

In Ipswich we have our very own technology incubator at Fire Station 101 located in the former district fire station at 101 Limestone Street.

One example of its on-going success was last weekend when around 30 hackers aged from 25 to 75 produced three outstanding ideas during the first Water Start-Up Challenge hosted by Queensland Urban Utilities (QUU).

The winnings ideas were:

• A trade waste tracker
• A plan to commercialise ultra-purified water
• App to notify customers about outages and facilitate bill payments

QUU will provide progressive seed funding of up to $10,000 for each of the three winners.

The three day event held at Fire Station 101 from October 20-22 was supported by Advance Queensland’s Advancing Regional Innovation Program.

Visit Fire Station 101 anytime at

Feeling hacked? Or hackneyed maybe?

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