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Water main replacement for Hunter Street at Brassall

Queensland Urban Utilities will begin work this week to replace a water main on Hunter Street at Brassall.

Work is taking place along the even numbered side of Hunter Street between Pine Mountain Road and Mihi Street.

The project, a part of Queensland Urban Utilities’ water main replacement program, is expected to take up to five weeks to complete, weather permitting.

The majority of the work will be done at night between 7pm and 5am, Monday to Friday.

Conducting most of the work at night will minimise traffic disruptions and the impacts of planned water outages when Queensland Urban Utilities connects the new water main to the network.

Here’s what to expect during the project:

  • Installation of a temporary bypass supply to maintain water services during construction.
  • Construction-related noise and dust during excavation of the road, footpath and nature strip, and during tie-in work to connect the new main to the existing network.
  • Some footpath access and on-street parking might be temporarily unavailable.
  • Changed traffic conditions and possible lane closures around work sites, with traffic management in place to manage traffic flow and maintain property access.
  • Possible night work with safety lighting and noise from excavation and machinery.
  • Temporary water outages. Customers will be notified at least three days prior to any planned temporary disruption to water supply.
  • Cutting across driveways. There might be a need to cut sections of some driveways to remove and replace the existing water pipe. After works are finished, affected driveways and footpaths will be restored as close to their original condition as possible.

For more information about the project, phone 13 26 57 or email

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