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What you need to know about pool safety

Ipswich City Council and Hannah’s Foundation will be hosting a free Pool Safety Seminar on Tuesday 25 May at the Ipswich Civic Centre.

Guest speakers include Founder of Hannah’s Foundation Andrew Plint who is a Coronial Advocate, Pool Safety Inspector and Queensland Police Officer.

Chair of Community, Culture Arts and Sports Committee and Division 3 Councillor Andrew Fechner said the seminar was an opportunity for Ipswich residents to learn more about pool safety.

“Taking a dip in a pool is a favourite way to seek relief during the long summer months,” Cr Fechner said.

“For kids, backyard pools are places of fun, excitement and endless games of Marco Polo.

“But as we know, pools can be deadly and that’s why I’m encouraging residents to attend this important pool safety seminar to help keep us safer when around water.”

The seminar aims to equip residents with information around drowning prevention, pool supervision, barriers, pool compliance and CPR.

To register to attend the free pool safety seminar visit: 

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