
$10 million for dozens of projects in Ipswich’s new kerb and channel program

Construction work on Alice Street at Blackstone and Short Street at Walloon will be the initial major focus of an almost $10 million kerb and channel program over the next three years.

Growth, Infrastructure and Waste Committee Chair Ipswich Mayor Teresa Harding said Ipswich is driving towards a better future with the 2022-2023 Budget delivering a $78 million investment in the city’s local road network.

“Council has allocated $3 million in the 2022-2023 financial year for kerb and channel works ensuring Ipswich’s established suburbs are not left behind,” Mayor Harding said.

“As Ipswich continues to grow at a rapid rate, we want to ensure the city grows together and work on roads, kerb and channel is happening right across the city.

What is kerb and channelling?

Kerb and channel is a concrete structure, typically located at the edge of a road. It is designed to provide road drainage and prevent water entering under the road surface, which helps council to maintain road condition and reduce the amount of potholes and road defects.

Kerb and channel also helps to alleviate stormwater drainage flows and can act as a barrier to prevent vehicles from leaving the road carriageway.

Each year, council undertakes a number of kerb and channel projects.

For more facts about Kerb and Channeling click here.

The photos above show a new kerb and channel project undertaken in 2018.

“In the first year of the newly adopted kerb and channel program, council will spend $1.87 million on the construction of kerb and channel in Alice Street, Blackstone in Division 1,” Mayor Harding said.

“A further $804,000 will be spent on detailed design for 11 other projects across Divisions 2,3 and 4.

“Construction on those is expected to start in the following two financial years.”

Council is keeping the city moving by investing in the region’s roads, with $78 million to be spent on maintaining, upgrading and expanding our road network.

Kerb and channel three-year program ($’000s)

More than $31 million has been set aside for rehabilitation of 1,710 kilometres of sealed roads and 268 kilometres of gravel roads, plus new and upgraded kerb and channels.

An additional $5.9 million will be spent on bridge and culvert works.

Growth, Infrastructure and Waste Deputy Chairperson Councillor Paul Tully said significant kerb and channels projects will be designed in 2022-2023 and constructed in 2023-24.

“Council takes into consideration community needs for new kerb and channel to put this program together,” Cr Tully said.

“This kerb and channel sub-program project list features 27 roads across the region.

“They will be subject to conceptual design, detailed design, preliminary works and construction.”

Ipswich City Council adopted the new three-year kerb and channel program presented to the Growth, Infrastructure and Waste Committee on Thursday 15 September.

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