
Community Matters – Division 4 update

In the lead up to Christmas, Deputy Mayor Russell Milligan and Councillor Kate Kunzelmann came together at Sutton Park in Brassall to update residents and businesses in Division 4.

With Cr Kunzelmann not seeking re-election in the new year, this is one of her last updates to the community as local councillor.

Division 4 of Ipswich City Council is oriented in a west-east direction and includes the suburbs of Amberley, Ashwell, Barellan Point, Blacksoil, Brassall, Churchill, Chuwar, Haigslea, Ironbark, Karalee, Karrabin, Lanefield, Marburg, Moores Pocket, Mount Marrow, Muirlea, North Ipswich, North Tivoli, Pine Mountain, Rosewood, Tallegalla, Thagoona, The Bluff, Tivoli, Walloon, Woolshed, Wulkuraka (north of the railway line), and Yamanto.

Blackwood Avenue Kerb and Channel Upgrade (North Ipswich)

Lifting the standard of local roads across Division 4 is a key focus in this year’s council budget.

Right now, council is upgrading the kerb and channel along Blackwood Avenue in North Ipswich.

Work is expected to be complete by March. Thank you to our residents for being patient and driving to the conditions around these works.

New lights at Sutton Park, Brassall

New lights at Sutton Park in Brassall are helping our community’s athletes and families train and play, well after the sun has gone down.

We know that sport plays an important role in keeping our city connected and healthy.

The new lights will allow players to train and play into the night, allowing for a greater use of the fields all year round.

Upgrade at Adelong Avenue, Thagoona

Council is working to remove and replace the existing stormwater drainage culverts adjacent to Adelong Avenue Reserve in Thagoona.

A section of Adelong Avenue was closed in November and will reopen in March to allow for the major upgrade, including service relocations, demolition work, and the construction of the new culverts.

The major drainage and culvert upgrade is paving the way for an upgrade to Adelong Avenue in the new financial year.

Stay up to date

These are just a few examples of projects happening right across Division 4 to help make Ipswich a great place to live.

For more information about council activities and Division 4 updates, visit IpswichFirst.com.au, or check your letter box in January for the next edition of the Community Matters newsletter.

As I won’t be seeking re-election in the new year, this is one of my last updates to the community – a community that I’ve proudly served for a long time now, and have been privileged to represent.

Thank you for your support and guidance on important matters, this year and always.

Cr Kate Kunzelmann

Division 4, Ipswich City Council

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