Ipswich City Council is going to the people to discover where it can improve its customer service.
A new satisfaction survey involving about 3000 council customers begins today.
General Manager of Community, Cultural and Economic Development Ben Pole said feedback will be sought over the next fortnight from 2000 phone customers and 1000 digital customers.
“Particularly at a time like this, council’s responsiveness and quality of service is paramount”, he said.
“So we are going to push on with benchmarking our customer service, enabling us to identify areas we need to focus on and also allow us to identify changes and improvements.”
“Other councils in Australia will undertake this assessment concurrently and our results will be benchmarked across those councils.”
Mr Pole said CSBA (The Customer Experience Specialists) had been engaged as part of this project to undertake independent benchmarking of council’s current state of customer service.
“This will be vital to help us get some understanding of customer sentiment regarding their engagements with council,” he said.
The customer feedback will cover most services across council, including:
Community Assistance
Development / building / plumbing
Emergency Management
Graffiti and vandalism
Laws and enforcement
Parks and reserves
Public Health and Environment
Public Incidents
Rates and Billing
Roads / footpaths
Traffic and Transport
Waste Management
Customer Call Centre
Mr Pole said this body of work forms part of the Systems and Business Process Review with results available in early May 2020.
Customers will be contacted by telephone or electronically and asked to provide feedback in coming days.
“You have contacted council since 9 March and we would like to know how we went helping you.
“Your feedback will be vital to help us understand how we can improve on our service,” he said.
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>>>Holiday period a busy time for council’s Customer Service Centre