The population of Ipswich recently ticked over 220,000 and it’s only going up from there, with an additional 300,000 people forecast to call the region home by 2041.
To maintain the city’s liveability, delivery of an effective and sustainable transport network will be key.
The question of how to keep people moving now and into the future is among those being considered as council begins a two-year process to deliver a new planning scheme.
The draft planning scheme vision statement detailed in the Statement of Proposals aspires to an Ipswich where the following happens in relation to transport:
- Ipswich has grown and developed around a series of vibrant public transport activated centres and master planned communities.
- The city’s transport network is affordable, safe and reliable with public transport, strategic roads, bikeways and footpaths connecting compact mixed use neighbourhoods with centres, areas of economic activity and supporting services and facilities.
- People use the convenient public transport system to access work or education, walk or cycle for local trips and urban development has maximised the opportunities to use public and active transport.
- Mixed use and higher density centres have developed around key rail and bus stations, particularly in the Ipswich City centre, Springfield Town Centre, Ripley Town Centre and at Goodna, Booval and Rosewood.
Central to achieving this vision is providing opportunities for people to travel by convenient and affordable means of transport other than the private car.
Transport networks and facilities are funded and constructed by all levels of government as well as the private sector.
Council took this into account in preparing the draft Statement of Proposals, drawing on a range of transport planning information.
This included the State Government’s South East Queensland Regional Plan (Shaping SEQ) which identifies the Ipswich to Springfield Public Transport Corridor as priority region-shaping infrastructure.
Council’s City of Ipswich Transport Plan – iGO – which sets out a roadmap to develop Ipswich as a ‘20 minute city’ supported by ‘10 minute neighbourhoods’ was also incorporated.
A 20 minute city is one where access to high level goods, services and facilities as well as employment are within 20 minutes travel time of where people live.
For basic, everyday goods and services, recreation and social interaction opportunities, the ideal is that these are a 10 minute walk, cycle or public transport trip from people’s homes.
What this looks like in a practical sense is land use designations for higher density development closer to key transport routes and nodes, such as train stations.
The key strategic components of the transport network in the Ipswich Local Government area are shown on the following map:
Having trouble viewing the map? Download it here.
It is not all about travel by car, bus or train. Active transport – walking and cycling – is also an integral part of the vision for the city’s transport network.
A framework has been proposed that encourages roads and streets to be designed and constructed in a way that promotes active transport.
It gives consideration to dedicated cycle lanes, sufficient width of footpaths, the use of signalisation and other design measures to give public and active transport priority at intersections where appropriate, and the provision of shade.
If a city’s transport network is inviting and functional for pedestrians and cyclists, active transport is more likely to be adopted, relieving some of the pressure on other forms of transport.
Having trouble viewing the map? Download it here.
Consultation on the Statement of Proposals incorporating the draft Strategic Framework closes June 28.
The full document can be viewed here. Submissions can be made via email at [email protected]
Once the feedback has been received, it will be collated and considered by council as the full draft planning scheme is prepared.
The full draft scheme is expected to be open for community comment next year.
What ShapingSEQ says about the Ipswich to Springfield Transport Corridor
This information is taken from the draft Statement of Proposals available here.