
How Sport and Recreation Grants funding boosted Woogaroo Swimming Club

When Woogaroo Swimming Club tapped into Ipswich City Council’s Sport and Recreation Grants program last year, it allowed the club to make a big splash beyond the local swim scene.

The club was granted $7,250 to help it host its biggest swim meet in several years.

The sanctioned Long Course Preparation Meet was held in November, drawing hundreds of swimmers from across south-east Queensland.

Woogaroo Swimming Club grant coordinator Nicole Spillman said the grant was crucial to the event’s success.

“We would not have been able to afford to fully fund the meet ourselves as a club,” she said.

“It was a sanctioned meet which means everything needs to run like clockwork and be of the highest standard from timing to facilities.

“The grant helped us with a range of items including a new medal dais, medals for the athletes and the hiring of a cold room.”

Ms Spillman said the event did a lot to bring Ipswich swimming clubs together and promoted local talent to the region while encouraging healthy and active living.

“We definitely have plans to host more events in the future and we were very grateful for the support,” she said.

Sport and Recreation Grants are offered across three categories. Those being:

  • Event grant: To assist in hosting sporting events in the boundaries of the city. Funding up to $10,000 is available per event.
  • Participation grant: To assist in a program that increases participants and/or memberships. Funding of up to $2,000 is available per application.
  • Minor Facilities Improvements grant: To improve existing sport and recreation facilities. Funding up to $5,000 available per project.

Round 2 of applications closes on 31 March, 2019. For more information visit here.

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