
Ipswich Hospital Deliver Familiar Faces for Expecting Mums

Clinical midwives Ruth Hendrick, Kylie Papa, Aynsley Hunter and Maternity Manager Shannon Tully provide antenatal support at Ipswich Hospital’s Maternity Day Assessment Unit.
The Maternity Day Assessment Unit has moved to a new dedicated space within the Maternity Unit at Ipswich Hospital. It means a continuity of care by a team of clinical midwives providing antenatal care for expecting mums.

The assessment unit is run by three dedicated clinical midwives who have experience not just in antenatal care but also birthing and postnatal care.

Clinical midwives Ruth Hendrick, Kylie Papa and Aynsley Hunter will be the familiar faces offering support for patients during pregnancy.

The service also has a doctor who is available to support medical complications of pregnancy.

West Moreton Health’s Maternity Manager Shannon Tully said the 24/7 service focused on providing antenatal care for women at 20 weeks’ pregnant or more.

“The purpose-built space has two beds and two assessment chairs where mums can go to discuss their pregnancy concerns,” Ms Tully said.

Antenatal health issues may include blood pressure monitoring, decreased foetal movement, early labour, pregnancy induced hypertension, ruptured membrane or antepartum haemorrhage.

“Pregnancy is unique for every woman and a very special and important time,” Ms Tully said.

“Some women may have complications or require more monitoring and others will need further advice and reassurance as their pregnancy progresses.

“When women in the West Moreton region need support, it is important that they know they are not alone during their pregnancy and could not be in safer hands here.

“The Maternity Day Assessment Unit ensures women can turn to an expert team and familiar faces for that care.”

The Maternity Day Assessment Unit at Ipswich Hospital is open for drop in or by appointment 7am – 10pm Monday to Friday and 9.30am – 6pm on weekends, or women can attend the Birthing Suite after hours. Phone 3810 1111.
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