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Ipswich to welcome New Year in style with family-friendly fun

The City of Ipswich will welcome the New Year in style with family-friendly, COVID-safe events.

The emphasis this year is on encouraging families to celebrate in their own patch.

“2020 has been a challenging year and I’m sure we’re all looking forward to hitting the reset button and welcoming in the New Year with family and friends,” Mayor Harding said.

“We’re also asking the community to be safe and enjoy events at or close to home and to adhere to current COVID Safe restrictions.”

Tivoli Drive-In is the main focus of the city’s celebrations this year, with an exciting evening of family fun and entertainment planned.

Gates will open at 4pm with market stalls, roving entertainment, children’s activities and band Savvy live on stage. Families can then sit back and enjoy Disney’s latest blockbuster movie release Onward.

The evening will wrap up about 9.40pm with a fireworks finale. Tickets are essential and can be purchased at ipswichfestivals.com.au

The Tivoli fireworks will not be the only fireworks to look out for in Ipswich on the night.

At 9pm fireworks displays will light up the sky at Ripley, Rosewood and Ipswich Central.

Each of the fireworks displays has been specially designed to be visible to as many residents as possible, with only aerial shells, which will be shot high into the sky, being used.

As part of COVID Safe event restrictions, the exact locations from which the fireworks will be launched will not be revealed.

“The three fireworks locations have been chosen strategically so that residents in these communities can simply turn their heads to the sky to see the fantastic displays without having to leave home,” Mayor Harding said.

Residents are reminded to:

  • Stay home if unwell;
  • Don’t attend if you have been overseas or to a COVID-19 hotspot in the past 14 days;
  • Wash your hands regularly;
  • Maintain social distancing;
  • Download and activate the COVIDSafe app.

More information about New Year’s Eve activities in Ipswich is available at ipswichfestivals.com.au

New Year’s Eve in Ipswich is proudly supported by Ripley Town Centre and River 94.9.

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One Comment

  1. I love the fact that Tivoli Drive-In is chosen for this special event as this location is so much more accessible than right in Ipswich. Ipswich Central is more and more clogging up and we need to look further afield to have special events when many people (and traffic) come together, Well done!

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