
March 20: Join in a gardening circle

Gardening Circle

Pick up some fresh gardening ideas and be the first to see Ipswich Libraries’ latest gardening books.

WHEN: 10am-11am

WHERE: Ipswich Central Library

COST: Free

Story Time - What's That Noise?

Enjoy the magic and make new friends while exploring a different theme each month with stories, songs and movement. Share in the fun of stories, rhymes, songs and games to build important language and reading readiness skills. Everyone is welcome.

WHEN: 9.30am-10.15am

WHERE: Redbank Plains Community Centre, 180 School Road, Redbank Plains

COST: Free

First 5 Forever – Pop-Up Fun for Little Ones – Rosewood

Spark your child’s creativity with different activities each session including stories, songs, music making and block play. Meet Bee-Bot, the child-friendly mini robot and other characters. Collect free books and activities to continue the fun at home.

WHEN: 9.30am-11am

WHERE: The Anzac Park Memorial Hall, 1 Mill Street, Rosewood

COST: Free

Banshees Open Mic

Lots of bands and artists got their start at an open mic night and Banshees is continuing that tradition 7pm every Wednesday night where musicians, poets, comedians, and dancers are welcome to hit the stage.

Performers get a complimentary drink and Banshees has Wednesday night drink specials.

Stage, PA, microphones, amps, and drums provided. BYO instruments, leads, sticks, and passion.

Book a 20 minute performance spot over the bar, via FB message, call the venue, or simply come along to enjoy the show.

WHEN: 7pm – 10pm

WHERE: Banshees Bar & Artspace, 131 Brisbane Street, Ipswich

COST: Free

Bootcamp - HIIT

Head along to Bootcamp. Active Parks HIIT class is where you perform a short burst of high-intensity (or max-intensity) exercise followed by a brief low-intensity activity, repeatedly, until too exhausted to continue. This is a school term activity.

For more Bootcamp classes – Active and Healthy Ipswich – click here

WHEN: 5.30pm

WHERE: Alfred Seymour Park, 10 Enson Street, Bundamba

COST: Free

Sing with the Miner Chords

Like to sing? Join Ipswich A Capella Harmony Club – the Miner Chords. Men and women of all abilities welcome. For more information phone David Green on 0407 831 326 or Gordon Dryden on 0414 294 120.

 WHEN: 7pm-9pm

WHERE: Old Ipswich Courthouse, 75 East Street, Ipswich

COST: Membership applies

Silk Road Belly Dance

Silk Road Belly Dance and Low Impact Exercise class is suitable for women of all ages and fitness levels.

WHEN: 6.45pm every Wednesday.

WHERE: Masonic Hall, Nicholas Street, Ipswich

COST: $12


Yoga is a complex system that focuses on harmony between body and mind.

WHEN: 6.30pm every Wednesday.

WHERE: Yoga Studio Nada, 11 Connors Street, North Ipswich

COST: $10

Little Gems Playgroup

Little Gems Playgroup meets at Gailes Community House for fun indoor/outdoor play. It is a great way to meet other parents, grandparents and carers.

WHEN: 9.30am-12.30pm every Wednesday

WHERE: Gailes Community House, 30 Karina Street, Gailes

COST: Free

Women's Singing Circle

Hearts in Harmony came about through the passion of two friends, Angela Burdett and Tamara Harmony, who want to share the amazing feelings of connection and support that can be experienced when sharing your voice in song.
All Singing Circles & Workshops are non-auditioned & open to women of all ages & abilities with no previous experience necessary.

WHEN: 7pm every Wednesday.

WHERE: Sacred Cow Yoga Studio, 233 Brisbane Street, Ipswich

COST: Cost is $15 per week casual rate or $120 per term

Genies in residence

Meet members of the Ipswich Genealogical Society at the Ipswich Central Library every Wednesday.

WHEN: 10am-noon

WHERE: Ipswich Central Library

COST: Free

Ipswich Hospital Museum

View medical and nursing objects dating from the early 1900s onwards. 

WHEN: 9am – 12pm Every Wednesday.

WHERE: Ipswich Hospital Museum, Jubilee Building, Ipswich Hospital

COST: Free entry


Providence Mummys Playgroup

Providence Mummys playgroup is for children zero to five years and is run by local parents and caregivers, with a range of activities designed to meet the needs of children attending. BYO snacks. All welcome. No cost and no need to RSVP, just show up.

WHEN: 9.30am-11am every Wednesday during school term

WHERE: Providence Community Centre, Amity Way, South Ripley

COST: Free

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