1. Visionary transport plan for Ipswich
Council will develop an Intelligent Transport System (ITS) strategy to help meet the region’s transport needs of the future. The strategy, described as “visionary” will help advance the region’s transport system to accommodate future growth.
As road managers it is important to not only be aware of the new technology but to also embrace, implement and manage this technology to ensure that a safer and efficient road network can be achieved in the future.
Technology growth is changing the landscape of the transport network. While modern computer and communications technologies are being applied to new vehicles, the transport network falls behind in technology advancement.
It is therefore important for road network managers to be planning and implementing new technologies to keep up-to-date with industry and best practice.
Council will investigate private sector interest in delivery, operations and management of an expanded portfolio of programs for successful accelerator hub Fire Station 101. Since opening in March 2016, it has shaped a more connected innovation and entrepreneur community in Ipswich.
Now after 18 months and as part of the broader Ipswich Smart City Program, we believe there is an opportunity to evolve the portfolio and value of Fire Station 101 to deliver even greater social, economic and innovation outcomes.
It is proposed that Council seeks expressions of interest to co-invest, co-manage and deliver Fire Station 101’s key programs.
Fire Station 101 has worked with 154 start-up business members, generated $524,000 in venture capital, attracted $190,000 in new public-private investment, and hosted 205 events.
Council is looking to upgrade its Animal Management Centre at Hooper Street, West Ipswich. The RSPCA operates rehoming activities from the site and is contracted to Council as service provider for the care of impounded animals.
The older site buildings are compromised by a combination of age and repeated water and flood damage. New facilities would support more rehoming of unclaimed animals and improve conditions for impounded dogs and cats.
The current animal management facilities are old and damaged in some areas, and no longer represent efficient use of the site. We want to help our officers and the organisations we work with, like the RSPCA, to provide the best level of care for impounded animals and those in need of rehoming.
Modern facility design may assist Council and the RSPCA in reducing any diseases in animals.
Council is considering a memorial to represent the Indigenous men and women from Ipswich who went to war. A working group will be formed and further discussion held in regard to details of wars to be included for consideration.
Council’s Indigenous Land Use Partnerships Coordinator is liaising with the Indigenous Australian Community Development Officer regarding the proposed memorial.
Consultation for this project will be undertaken with the Traditional Owners and the broader community to determine suitable locations.
This is a good idea for Ipswich and will recognise the Indigenous men and women from Ipswich who have served their country in various wars.
5. Council waste submission calls for levies
Ipswich City Council has called for a two-tiered levy approach to managing bulk waste. In its submission to the Queensland Government council states there would be environmental benefits for the community and for the long-term access to waste facilities in Ipswich.
If Queensland was to introduce a waste levy then it should be two-tiered, with a lower charge for council waste to reduce cost pressures on ratepayers.
Commercial and industrial waste would then have a higher levy.
It is also council’s view that state legislation be amended so a waste levy is linked to the collection point where waste is generated and not the point of disposal.
The current waste activities are being perpetuated owing to the lack of a more coordinated approach between states and little or no support at a national level.