
New temporary car park to open for commuters

A new temporary car park for commuters will be open near Springfield Central station from Monday 21 October.

The temporary car park is about a 500-metre walk from the station and has 300 spaces, 50 more than the existing car park.

Entry is off Eden Station Drive with CCTV security and lighting installed for commuter safety.

Existing parks will be closed to make way for heavy machinery building a 10,000-seat stadium for the Brisbane Lions.

The $70 million facility is being financially supported by Ipswich City Council, the Federal and State Governments, Springfield City Group and the AFL.

Member for Jordan Charis Mullen said it marked another milestone in Springfield Central’s transformation.

The temporary parks will remain in place as the AFL stadium is built and during construction of a $44.5 million multi-storey park ‘n’ ride facility next year.

Some additional commuter car parking will remain along Springfield Greenbank Arterial and Southern Cross Circuit.

Commuters have been reminded to follow parking regulations in the area. Should illegal parking occur, enforcement action may be taken.

“We understand that all of the construction activity across the precinct will be inconvenient for commuters for a period of time and we really appreciate everyone’s patience as we develop this new and improved station/stadium precinct,” Ms Mullen said.

For more information visit www.tmr.qld.gov.au and search Springfield Central park ‘n’ ride, or call the contact the project team during business hours on 3066 4338 or [email protected] 

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  1. Came into Springfield Central Railway Station
    this morning. Didn’t realise new sports area was going to be so large. Impressive. Now for the NEW CARPARK.

  2. It’s amazing how ipswich is growing… it’s also amazing that theres not enough parking anywhere for this cities growth spurt..
    1.Narrow foot paths with added Wider paths only for no: 3.and 4. Keep them off the roads..
    2.Wider roads
    3.Bicycle lanes
    4.Lanes for the elderly on their motorised bikes..
    Land is free.. the government believe they own Australia and I know their belief is mixed up only for money and control..
    So our counciles are limited with policies they have to adhere to.. when all is said and done..
    We the people need more parking areas beside train
    Stations.. now more than ever..since people from all over the globe have inhabited Australia, we need the Government to think larger than their pockets, and realise we need larger parking areas for each new community They build.. and parking areas for the people in housing commission units.. 40 units 10 car park. And one of those parks are for ambulance only.. 7 units 4 car parks.. one for ambulance… so I’d say parking is an issue here in the Ipswich and Brisbane and their surrounding areas… so after this fire damage.. begins animal and land welfare saving first.. then learning to back burn on all of Australian land.. then car parks at train stations..after this disaster. So dont fine anyone for lack of parking while you the government give some peace back to all in Australia after taking from us all this time…

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