An application to turn two residential blocks at Goodna into a child care centre has been lodged with Ipswich City Council.
It is for land at 15 Albert Street and 41 Smiths Road.
The applicant proposes to demolish existing houses and sheds on the site and replace them with a single-storey 890 square metre child care centre.
It would cater for up to 96 enrolments and 18 staff.
The centre would have an internal gross floor area of 700 square metres with 189 square metres of covered verandah areas.
It would have six separate activity areas and two children’s sleeping areas.
Outside, the applicant proposes three play areas totalling about 770 square metres in size.
Consideration has been given in the application to potential noise impact on neighbouring properties with a 2.4m high acoustic barrier fence proposed along the site’s northern boundary and a 1.8m high acoustic barrier proposed along the western property boundary.
A Google Street View image of the property.
None of the proposed outdoor play areas would be located directly adjacent to a habitable room of an adjoining dwelling.
Properties nearby to the site include houses, home businesses and existing child care centres.
Access to the centre is proposed to be via Albert Street, with 30 car park spaces planned for the site.
The application is yet to be considered by council.
There are already three (3) other centres with 200 metres from that location that provide the same service. And the local traffic signals are Poorly maintained and designed with a very bad blind spot travelling east to west alone smith street.
A new centre further along Smith Street. Near the corner of smith st and Collingwood park drive would be move beneficial for the area and provide better coverage and access to the services on offer.
I think another possible site should be considered. If a centre is built where it is proposed, there is already 3 operating centres in close proximity, 2 in Smith St and 1 in Albert St, Also 1 i think in Stuart St. There were signs for a possible site to be considered for Bundamba near IGA, if that hasn’t already been built maybe that site could be considered. I’m all for another centre to be built but maybe other sites could be looked at and considered.
Why do you need another in close proximity to 3 other centres? Is it commercial land there? Will you make more money out of it there? Is there enough demand there?