The Ipswich Leaders Alliance has issued its first State Election scorecard outlining commitments made by political parties for the region ahead of the 31 October Queensland poll.
With 11 days to go to the election, the Alliance has welcomed a range of funding and commitments made to date, that will support the future growth and needs of the city of Ipswich. However, parties have remained silent on a number of priority projects and critical policies.
Ipswich Mayor Teresa Harding said the Alliance will continue to publish regular updates of funding commitments from all parties, to support Ipswich residents in making an informed decision when it comes time to cast their vote.
The Alliance has highlighted eight key election priorities, including the Ipswich Central to Springfield Central public transport corridor (I2S); Ipswich Central second river crossing; and waste industry reform.
“We are continuing to engage with local candidates and asking them to inform us of new commitments that will directly benefit the people of Ipswich, in alignment with our priorities identified,” Mayor Harding said.
“We acknowledge that there are still 11 days to go until the election and a lot can happen in that time.
“Ipswich is the highest growth city in Queensland; we are the engine room, and our residents’ needs deserve to be taken seriously by leaders in terms of financial support and future investment in infrastructure.”
The Alliance, launched in August, is an apolitical collective of leading peak representative bodies and business leaders who are dedicated to advocating for game-changing infrastructure, major policy reforms and local projects that will ensure Ipswich continues to go from strength to strength this next decade and beyond.
“The Fresh Start 2020 campaign is a first for Ipswich,” Mayor Harding said.
“For the first time, Ipswich City Council is standing side-by-side with community leaders to advocate for Ipswich and secure a financial commitment from political parties contesting the 31 October State Election.
“We will all continue to advocate for more commitments – especially on waste policy and industry reform and investment to minimise the impact and maximise the opportunity for Ipswich residents.”
Mayor Harding said the campaign was being delivered on a lean budget, with minimal costs being incurred to date.
“The Alliance advocacy campaign has already delivered value for money for all Ipswich ratepayers and residents through the funding commitments,” she said.
This includes a $2.5 million full commitment by the LNP and $1 million partial commitment by Labor to fund the next stage of the I2S business case.
Actual expenses to date:
– $7,289.37 half-page advertisement in the Courier-Mail by council and the Alliance to highlight that Ipswich will no longer be forced into being the solution to the state’s waste problem
– $29.90 for a URL domain (
– $290.91 for two pull-up banners
“Members and contributors to the Alliance have come together voluntarily to represent our region and advocate for change, for funding, for government commitment to major projects which will help shape our city in decades to come and enable growth, investment and jobs.”
“The Alliance priorities are very much aligned with council’s own advocacy priorities, which have also been tabled for consideration by all parties,” Deputy Mayor Marnie Doyle said.
“We all want the same outcome: a state government giving Ipswich a fair share of funding and supporting a region that is vitally important to all of Queensland,” Cr Doyle said.
“This includes significant action on waste policy, regulation and enforcement reform to ensure that industry performance issues are addressed and our resident’s quality of life is vastly improved.”
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>>>Advocacy group to lead the charge for Ipswich projects and funding
Ipswich will never get any funding until it becomes a marginal seat. Labor won’t spend money here and our two state members don’t have to promise anything cause they know they get voted in regardless. How many times have you seen Anastasia in Ipswich? ZERO because she is busy bribing marginal seats. We need the alliance to take the fight up for us as our current members are lazy.