
Wanless lodges development application for recycling park at Ebenezer

Wanless Waste Management has lodged a development application with the Ipswich City Council to build the Wanless Recycling Park at Ebenezer.

CEO Dean Wanless said the company was just getting the process started.

“We know it will take several months to address any concerns that the council or community may have about the proposed resource recovery and recycling facility,” he said.

“Our vision is to transform an old mining site into a productive precinct that generates employment and training opportunities for the local community.

“The focus of this development is on resource recovery and recycling. It will also include a landfill element for residual waste, making use of the voids left from mining activities.

“We’ve spoken with residents and local groups and held two information sessions to share with the community what we plan to do and get feedback on the concept.

“Wanless has made huge progress in resource recovery over the last 60 years, and particularly during the last 12 years at the Sydney Recycling Park.

“That’s where we have tried and tested the model we’d like to build here.

“Before we introduce it to Ipswich, we’re listening to local knowledge, and where possible, we’ve addressed the concerns we’ve heard so far in our proposal.

“Our project team has also conducted many, thorough site investigations, and we will continue to build on this work while the proposal is being considered, and lodge additional information as it becomes available.

“We will also continue to meet with community members over coming months, and we anticipate the public notification for this proposal will happen well into 2020.”

Development applications can be viewed at www.ipswichplanning.com.au

Also read:

>> Wanless holds info sessions

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