4.15pm. We’ll be back tomorrow
Thanks for reading. We’ll be back again tomorrow.
Something you think we should know or highlight? Email us at [email protected]
3.50pm. Water bubblers turned off
Ipswich City Council is progressively turning off water bubblers in city parks.
Parks remain open for exercise (in groups of two people only) – but turning off the taps is a measure to reduce the likelihood of community transmission of the corona virus.
Council officers have been putting yellow stickers on bubblers advising of the shut-off as they attend a site under the routine maintenance schedule.
It is a good reminder to walkers and joggers to bring your own water bottle when exercising to reduce person-to-person transmission.
People exercising have also been given a timely warning about the 1.5m guideline and to be mindful of sweat and spit when running or jumping: https://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/health/health-problems/coronavirus-australia-doctor-warns-to-steer-clear-of-runners/news-story/32ad2f8d82a18383bc6146e11fc3e550?fbclid=IwAR1d_LWjp3ujnKYcCRNsTnBIWqKe_LAbYpniMjAb58P2LiOX26frolKLF1Q
And, under state and federal regulations, playgrounds and park play equipment are off limits to stop the spread of COVID-19.
3.20pm. Educational fun for kids
2.50pm. Nursery closures and pause on free plants
As a result of recent Council nursery closures relating to the COVID-19 pandemic, the nursery will no longer be accepting free plant application forms for the remainder of this Financial Year.
This includes Free Plant Application forms that have already been received where the plants have not yet been picked up.
2.25pm. Business steady at fruit shops
As many people struggle to get everything they need from major supermarkets, local fruit shops are doing a steady trade.
Owner of St Ives Fruit Market at Goodna, Wissam Habchi, says he’s noticed a real drop in some of his older customers in the past week as they stay home.
But he says many of his regular customers are continuing to stock up on fresh fruit, veges, eggs and other produce.
Share how your business is coping via [email protected]
1.50pm. Ahead of the curve on e-learning
It’s been a busy week for Goodna State School teacher Jay Page.
Not only has she been preparing her students for digital learning in response to COVID-19, she’s also won an award as one of Australia’s best teachers.
As a specialty pedagogical coach and KindyLinQ teacher, Ms Page works closely with teachers across the school on innovative ways of teaching and is a specialist in digital learning – a skill that will be hugely important in the coming months.
Read more: Award-winning teacher ahead of the curve on e-learning
1.15pm. Looking for some school break activities?
The YMCA Springfield Lakes Community Centre has created take-home craft packs for kids.
Details below.
12.20pm. A few tips on how to help others
- Reach out to others you know who might also be self-isolating.
- Share on social media the ways that help you stay connected, they can inspire others too.
- Post highlights of your day to help spread the positive word.
- Write a letter to someone. It’s amazing the effect it can have.
- Haven’t worn it for years? Try your hand at repurposing and up styling.
- Search online for items you can make and donate to others.
11.50am. Finding grants made easy
Ipswich City Council is making it easier for you to find grant and funding opportunities with its Grant Finder.
Council has partnered with GrantGuru to provide the free service, which compiles a comprehensive list of all available grants for local businesses, community groups, not-for-profits and individuals.
Check it out online here: https://ipswich.grantguru.com.au/
You can also register to receive email alerts for new grants, save your favourites and access tips to help you apply for grants.
11.15am. Help talking to young ones about social distancing
The Wiggles have come up with a new song to help families talk to children about social distancing.
Check it out below.
10.50am. Join the Care Army to support seniors
Ipswich residents are being urged to join Queensland’s Care Army, to help support seniors in the community who have been told to stay at home.
Announced on Wednesday by Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk, the army of volunteers will link seniors and other vulnerable Queenslanders with essential services and support.
“During times of crisis, Queensland’s community spirit always shines through, as it did when the Mud Army went into action after the 2011 floods,” Ms Palaszczuk said in a social media post.
“Now we want the Care Army to rally around our seniors and make sure they’re OK during the coronavirus pandemic – because the best place for them right now is in their home.
“The Care Army will operate a little differently because of health and safety restrictions – the spirit and effect remain the same.”
If you would like to volunteer to be a part of the Care Army, visit www.covid19.qld.gov.au/carearmy or call the community hotline on 1800 173 349.
If you’re a senior who needs a hand with something, whether that be picking up your groceries or simply having someone to talk to, call the hotline on 1800 173 349.
10.25am. Where to go for support?
It is extremely important to seek out help if you feel you need it. Here are some important numbers which will have a guiding hand at the end of the line:
- Lifeline 13 11 14 will continue to operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week;
- Lifeline Text 0477 13 11 14 will continue to operate 6pm – midnight (AEDT), 7 nights a week;
- Lifeline webchat will continue to operate 7pm – midnight (AEDT), 7 nights a week;
- Kids Helpline – for children that may need support 1800 55 1800. https://kidshelpline.com.au;
- Beyond Blue – 1300 22 4636 https://beyondblue.org.au
9.55am. Have you got the COVID-19 app?
The Federal Government has launched an app to help the community get accurate and the most up to date information about COVID-19.
The app, called Coronavirus Australia, is available from the Apple App Store and on Google Play.
It was launched alongside the Government’s new WhatsApp feature.
9.15am. Community rallies for elderly Ipswich resident
Yamanto Police recently joined forces with local grocery shops, in an effort to support an 84-year-old woman from Raceview, after groceries were stolen from her home.
After hearing about the woman’s situation, officers and employees at the Yamanto Police Station ‘passed the hat around’ to raise funds to replace the woman’s groceries.
Local shops, where the woman usually buys her groceries, also provided $60 worth of gift vouchers.
In a statement Queensland Police said, “We hope that this will be able to replace the woman’s lost shopping and will demonstrate that there are members of this community who are here to help and provide support.”
8.40am. Quarantine assistance cards to help those in need
Queensland Health has created these cards so you can help those around you while social distancing.
Whether it’s picking up some milk for someone in self-quarantine or filling a prescription for your elderly neighbour, these cards could be a lifeline for those in need.
Simply print out and complete the card, and then place it in the letterbox or slide it under the door of those around you.
If someone needs your help they can reach out to you on the number provided and you can leave items on the doorstep to avoid direct contact.
8.20am. Temperature testing
Rachel at Collingwood Park Pharmacy is greeting customers at the door and testing their temperatures before they enter.
She said customers have been happy to answer questions about how they’re feeling and have their temperature taken as a precautionary step to stop the spread of COVID-19.
Staff are also wearing masks and have marked out spaces for customers to stand in line to adhere to social distancing measures.
8am. Wednesday, 1 April 2020. Thirty-six cases confirmed for West Moreton
The total cases tested positive to COVID-19 for the West Moreton region is 36 patients including one new case yesterday.
Queensland Health confirmed 55 new cases of COVID-19 in Queensland, raising the state total to 743.
Contact tracing is undertaken for each of the 55 new cases.
A Queensland Health spokesperson said the majority of cases are from patients who have travelled overseas, or have had direct contact with a confirmed case who had travelled overseas
“The number of confirmed cases each day is expected to vary as we continue to respond to the COVID-19 situation across the state,” the spokesperson said.
“We want everyone to know they can play their part to protect themselves and the more vulnerable in our community.
“Please follow the recommended advice from us and our federal counterparts in regards to social distancing, public gatherings and general wellbeing.
“Critically, make sure you are practicing good hygiene and staying home if you’re sick. Washing your hands properly and often is the gold standard of health advice that can help prevent viruses from entering your body.”
Queensland Health is urging anyone who has been overseas in the last 14 days and has a fever or any respiratory symptoms to see a doctor immediately.
Please call ahead to the GP surgery and let them know your symptoms and travel history, this will help them prepare for your arrival.
Turning off water bubblers in Parks! What are our dogs going to do to hydrate? So many more doggies being walked in Parks these days.
All good The Council have only disconnected the bubblers and not the taps for dogs to get water 👍