
Active Ipswich: Have your say

Are you part of a sporting club, do you enjoy more informal recreation activities or is getting active just a bit too hard?

No matter which category fits you best, Ipswich City Council wants to know what you think about sport, recreation and physical activity opportunities in the city.

Council is currently undertaking an Analysis of Sport, Recreation and Physical Activity Levels and Trends.

The aim is to find out what type of sport and recreation pursuits people enjoy in Ipswich, what influences their choices and what barriers may be preventing people getting active.

Information collected will help council to more effectively plan for current and future sport, recreation and physical activity needs.

Senior Planning Officer (Open Space Recreation) Andrea Moser-Rienecker is leading the project and said people could make a real difference by taking part.

“We’re asking people to complete a short online survey to help us better understand how people are interacting with sport, recreation and physical activity in the city,” she said.

“Council first undertook this analysis in 2006 and then again in 2012, so this is the third time we have asked the community for feedback.

“By completing the analysis periodically we are able to identify trends and adjust the way in which council provides or supports sport and recreation infrastructure to match community needs.

“The project is a little bit different this time around as we have expanded our scope to capture active travel and be more specific with walking and cycling trends.

“The data we collect is extremely valuable and can directly impact council decisions across a broad range of areas into the future.”

Ipswich City Council has engaged Ross Planning to undertake comprehensive consultation with the community.

This includes a random phone survey in which 900 responses will be gathered, a targeted survey of sporting clubs and an online survey open to the wider community.

The online survey is open to 1 October 2019 and all participants will go into the draw to win a $250 Rebel sports voucher.

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>>> Fun new craze hits Ipswich

>>> A look at some of Ipswich’s best walks

>>> Plans for outdoor haven for dog owners and active residents

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