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Do your bit for the environment without even leaving your own backyard

We all have a part to play in the future of Ipswich’s natural environment, but for some it can be hard to know where to start.

The answer, according to Ipswich resident Chris Wiley, is in your own backyard.

Mr Wiley and his partner have made it their mission to restore their weed-ridden Pine Mountain property to its natural glory.

A seemingly daunting task, Mr Wiley says land restoration is actually something anyone can give a go.

Find out how in the latest instalment of Sustainability in the Suburbs, in which Mr Wiley shares his story and tips for people looking to get involved in land restoration at home. Check it out below.

Mr Wiley’s story helps answer one of the biggest questions in this day and age: how can we make Ipswich more sustainable?

It’s a question that Ipswich City Council last year put to the community to help shape a plan for sustainability in the region.

Residents’ responses identified obstacles preventing them from becoming more sustainable in their everyday lives, including lack of knowledge and high cost.

Mr Wiley said focussing on small chunks of work can help residents tackle these barriers when first starting their own land restoration project.

“Break up your property into smaller units that are manageable and not overwhelming and only expand that area once you’ve got that under control,” he said.

Stay up to date with Mr Wiley’s land restoration journey for more tips and ideas via his blog, Life at World’s End.

Sustainability in the Suburbs is all about sharing stories, knowledge and ideas help us all live, eat and play the sustainable way.

By working together we can protect and enhance our environment and its liveability for current and future generations.

Keep an eye out for more videos featuring sustainability tips and tricks from Ipswich residents or share your own using #sustainableipswich

Find out more at Ipswich.qld.gov.au/sustainability

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