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Have a say on electric scooters in Ipswich

Ipswich City Council is investigating the potential of electric scooters coming to Ipswich and wants the community to share its feedback.

As part of council’s iGO Intelligent Transport Systems Strategy, rideables such as electric scooters were identified as a potential opportunity.

The strategy includes supporting safe and effective operation and uptake of rideables as a sustainable and alternate form of transport.

As part of the investigation, council is seeking the opinion of the community on this potential new form of transport for Ipswich.

A survey is available on council’s Shape Your Ipswich website. The survey closes 25 October 2020.

The aim of the survey is to allow the community to help shape council’s approach to the potential introduction of electric scooters in the future.

The survey takes about 15 minutes to complete and participants will go in the draw to win one of six $50 Visa gift cards.

The survey can be completed at: shapeyouripswich.com.au/e-scooters-ipswich 

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  1. No thank you, there are enough problems with people who use motorised and electric bikes, skateboards, and scooters on our footpaths now which is not being properly monitored. Enforce the laws we already have in place before you start to add another problem to our streets. I feel for those who have any form of disability and or wheelchair as they often are not as quick to get out of the way of these potentially dangerous/lethal modes of transport, especially in Ipswich which has a high concentration of these people. Then there is the actual safety of the machines themselves which has proven to be an on going issue in Brisbane City, yet they continue to promote these dangerous scooters for the sake of a few dollars.

    1. Footpaths are the only legal place for scooters to ride, so you might want to get that right. Police have been doing a good job keeping scooter groups honest, and as an Admin of multiple brisbane based scooter groups, our number one priority is safety and keeping to the rules. There is nothing more dangerous about scooters than bicycles.

  2. Excellent, they should be encouraged.
    I’m 61 and have a e-scooter and love it, leave the car home.
    People who moan should go out and try one because they are the best and most economical way to get around.

  3. I think you need to look around Brisbane and how many are just left where they stop causing pedestrian issues and safety. I have vision of them ending up in the river next to the shopping trolleys. Safety and responsibility is also of concern. Not a fan and will not support my rate money going towards this. I feel it will be a waste of rate payers Money.
    Use the money towards fixing our footpaths and roads and parking. Money can be better spent on more suitable projects.

  4. That would be great for young workers that don’t have their licenses to get to and from word and it would just be doing something for the Ipswich community ❤️

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