Thirty-eight of Ipswich’s best, brightest and most benevolent residents and local events have been nominated by the community as part of the 2022 Ipswich Australia Day Awards.
Ipswich Mayor Teresa Harding said the community had put forth exceptional nominees across a range of categories including Citizen of the Year, Senior Citizen of the Year, and Young Citizen of the Year.
“The annual Ipswich Australia Day Awards are an important platform to officially honour our local heroes and those inspiring individuals that better and enrich our community,” Mayor Harding said.
“It makes me very proud as Mayor to see the very high standard of nominees, and it is reflective of the breadth of community-oriented and service-orientated people and groups that contribute to Ipswich’s liveability and culture.”
Community, Culture, Arts and Sport Committee chairperson Councillor Andrew Fechner, a member of this year’s judging panel, said the Ipswich Australia Day Awards were an opportunity for the community to honour outstanding contributions to our city.
“Each nominated person has demonstrated an impressive and ongoing commitment to improving our community,” Cr Fechner said.
“The more than a dozen residents nominated for Citizen of the Year have made their significant impacts across diverse fields including the arts, the community sector, media, the environment, sport, and recreation.
“The nominated community events represent some of Ipswich’s best activities and festivals.”
A leader in the city’s art’s scene, the 2021 Ipswich Citizen of the Year was awarded to community arts champion Glen Smith.
Finalists for each category will be announced early next month, before the official 2022 Ipswich Australia Day Award Ceremony on 19 January 2022 at the North Ipswich Reserve Corporate Centre.
Finalists and winners in each category are selected by an independent judging panel.
For more information about the 2022 Awards, visit
Nominees for the 2022 Ipswich Australia Day Awards
Sport and Recreation Award – nominees
Ella Ramsay
Jordan Harton
Jude Thomas
Lisa Blackburn
Sara Rogers
Scott Morrison
Cultural Award of the Year – nominees
Jennifer Kent
Kylie Hill
Neetu Singh Suhag
Young Citizen of the Year Award – nominees
Alexandria Walker
Darcy Witherspoon
Tamara Whiting
Senior Citizen of the Year Award – nominees
Graham Cruickshank
Gregory Broad
Peter Davis
Rosemaree Thomasson
Community Event of the Year – nominees
Australian Karting Championship 2021
Ipswich Hospital Foundation Park2Park
Ipswich Plant Swap and Ipswich Up Cycling
Muscle in Maculata 2021
Our Stories
The Gathering
Councillors Russell Milligan and Kate Kunzelmann with Karalee Tornadoes President Amy Huckel.
Citizen of the Year Award – nominees
Amy Huckel
Barry Gratton
Bradley (Sparky) Clarke
Conny Turni
David Martin
Deanne Lawrie
Debbie Wadwell
Donna Cavanagh
Jacqui Martin
Karyn Webber
Rita Anwari
Robert and Daphne Farraway
Roland and Tarana Cruice
Shane Brandley
Wendye Gratton
Zoe Knorre
Read also:
Thank you for nominating Rita Anwari for the Citizen of the year award.
Rita Anwari assisted hundreds of Afghans, amongst them young girls and women flee Afghanistan during the recent regime change.
The new regime change have strict rules in place for women and girls which effects their education, lifestyle and freedom.
Rita Anwari is well recognised amongst Afghan Australian community in Queensland and other states.
We wish her nothing but success.