
Major boost for sport in Ipswich

Ipswich sport is about to get a boost as construction starts on a new $815,000 amenities block at the city’s home of netball, Limestone Park.

The project is jointly funded by Ipswich City Council and the State Government, which awarded council a grant of $436,569 toward the work.

Council is now ready to move to the construction phase and will commence with the clearing of some mature vegetation.

The new amenities block will be built between the existing car park and the netball clubhouse on the Salisbury Road side of the park, not far from the recently upgraded Briggs Road intersection.

It will include new female change facilities with 12 toilets and three female showers, a unisex disabled toilet with shower and baby change table, umpires room with lockers, change area, toilet, shower and front counter as well as a first aid room with three beds.

The project also includes construction of a new terraced seating area, a retaining wall behind the building, disabled parking bays and a path connecting to the car park.

The location for the amenities block was chosen because it provides the best outcome for players and the community.

It allows for direct access by emergency services when required, connects well with existing buildings on site and allows for easy connection to existing water and sewer services.

The new amenities block is expected to be completed by April 2020.

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