The Queensland Government has provided Ipswich City Council with a grant of $436,569 to invest in the construction of a new amenities block, within Limestone Park, next to the existing netball courts.
The new amenities block will support female participation in netball next year.
The building will be located between the existing car park and the netball clubhouse on the Salisbury Road side of Limestone Park.
The building will include a new female change facility with 12 female toilets and three female showers, a unisex disabled toilet with shower and baby change table, umpire’s room with lockers, change area, toilet, shower and front counter as well as a first aid room with three beds.
Additional construction includes a new terraced seating area, a retaining wall behind the building, compliant disabled car parking bays, accessible pathway connection from the car park and site earthworks for improvement of stormwater flow around the new building.
The works will be carried out from January to April 2020.
Pre-construction activity with begin next week with a small number of trees being removed from site on Monday 16 December and Tuesday 17 December.
The project team can be contacted with any questions via reply email to [email protected] or phone 3810 6666 – reference Limestone Park Netball Amenities.