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Nominations open for 2021 Ipswich Enviro Awards

Nominations are now open for the 2021 Ipswich Enviro Awards, to recognise the work done by individuals and community groups to create a greener future across the city.

City of Ipswich Mayor Teresa Harding said World Environment Day was a chance to reflect on the work being done across the city, and to acknowledge the dedication of many to conserving and improving the city’s natural habitats.

“Our city has one of the most diverse ranges of natural vegetation in South East Queensland, with more than 2,000 different recorded species of native plants and animals,” Mayor Harding said.

“We’re custodians of our environment for our children and grandchildren, and it’s important we all play our part in making sure that we leave something as good, or better, than we enjoyed.

“I’m looking forward to seeing all the great work being done across the city to conserve and improve our many varied and important green spaces.”

Environment and Sustainability Committee Chair Councillor Russell Milligan said the awards formed a key part in recognising the 25 years Ipswich Enviroplan has been operating, an initiative that has achieved significant conservation improvements across the city.

“It is important to recognise the invaluable role the Ipswich community plays in improving our environment,” Cr Milligan said.

“Ipswich is fortunate to have many wonderful individuals and groups such as volunteers, businesses, schools and more committed to creating a greener future.

“Nominating for an Ipswich Enviro Award is a way of giving thanks and highlighting the incredible environmental achievements of our community champions.”

The award categories are:

  • Environmental Hero Award
  • Sustainable Leadership Award
  • Young Enviro Champion Award
  • Enviro Organisation Award

Nominations are open from 5 June to 31 July. Applications are via Ipswich.smartygrants.com.au

Council’s celebrations of 25 years of Ipswich Enviroplan will be held during 2021. For more information on the program see Ipswich.qld.gov.au/enviroplan

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