Almost a year on from the 2020 Halloween Hailstorm, the Queensland Reconstruction Authority (QRA) will undertake another audit of 828 Ipswich properties previously identified as damaged and with repairs still outstanding.
QRA officers will go door to door from 13 to 15 September for the Damage Assessment and Reconstruction Monitoring (DARM) assessments, collecting information about the damage to individual properties, including structural damage, insurance matters and resident’s ability to access financial support.
The third round of assessments follow a May audit which found work was yet to begin at 142 properties and 169 homes still required tarps on the roof.
Ipswich Mayor Teresa Harding said claim and repair delays are causing significant distress and hardship to many Ipswich residents.
“These families have been through so much already, from homelessness in the initial aftermath of the storm to the uncertainty of not knowing when repairs will begin,” Mayor Harding said.
“One year on, that heartache continues. Every day that passes presents another challenge to those impacted.”
Local Disaster Management Group Deputy Chair Councillor Kate Kunzelmann said damage assessments capture vital information for organisations and agencies supporting the recovery.
“Council wants to make sure the most up to date information is available on how many houses are still being repaired,” Cr Kunzelmann said.
“The road to recovery has been a long one and we will continue to highlight our community’s needs.
“Talking to affected residents reveals the true meaning of disaster.
“We are committed to working with the QRA to understand the extend of the damage and voicing the community’s concerns to the insurance industry.”
Total storm damage claims are now over $1 billion. The May audit also found work was underway at 539 houses, with repairs completed at another 1,045.
All QRA staff have completed mandatory COVID-19 training that provides clear direction to keep both employees and members of the community safe.
If residents are unavailable, a calling card with contact details will be left for residents to seek further information from QRA.
More information about Damage Assessment and Reconstruction Monitoring is available at
What is DARMsys™
The Damage Assessment and Reconstruction Monitoring system (DARMsys™) is used to monitor Queensland’s rebuilding progress.
Following a natural disaster, damage data is collected in real time by the Queensland Reconstruction Authority (QRA) and Queensland Fire and Emergency Services (QFES).
The data is collected by officers undertaking damage assessments in the community using a wireless hand held monitoring device to provide map-based damage data.
Officers conduct street-by-street and house-by-house inspections through flood, storm, bushfire and cyclone-affected communities to identify the level of damage and where the greatest needs exist.
This helps local and state government agencies provide assistance to the most vulnerable in our communities.