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Sustainable Ipswich to fill October with inspiring environmental events

Sustainable Ipswich will leap into October with a month-long program of inspiration across the city.

Environment and Sustainability Committee Chairperson Councillor Russell Milligan said October would bring together homegrown experts and sustainability identities from across the region for a range of hands-on activities, workshops and events.

“Sustainable Ipswich is an annual celebration of community actions to create a more liveable city,” Cr Milligan said.

“These events are free or low cost, and full of ideas you can try at home or in the community.”

The Sustainable Ipswich program is designed to inspire, educate and create opportunities for positive change.

“To help us tackle the amount of food waste our city sends to landfill we have sustainability gurus such as ‘Eco Granny’ Rose Rush and Mallow Sustainability sharing tips that you can try at home,” Cr Milligan said.

“Our backyards are an amazing opportunity to create a more liveable city, and we have ways you can be inspired from open gardens through to understanding garden basics with Savour Soil Permaculture.

“Sustainable Ipswich is the ideal time to try something new – and if you have not dusted off your bicycle for a while, now is your chance with a rider confidence session being held at Ipswich Cycle Park.

“Our changing climate means we need to be informed, ready and resilient.

“You can learn how to prepare your home during Get Ready week or join an amazing virtual reality experience demonstrating the effect of urban heat in our suburbs.

“Perhaps most importantly, our city needs people who lead by example in creating sustainable change all year round.

“From the Youth Sustainability Summit to Bushcare working bees, there are ways individuals and families can participate and help create a more sustainable future for us all.”

Sustainable Ipswich is an annual celebration of everyday actions we can take as a community to create a more liveable city.

It is an opportunity for the community and local businesses to be involved in promoting and celebrating sustainability and our environment.

Sharing stories, knowledge and ideas helps us all live, eat and play the sustainable way!

By working together and making informed choices, we can create a liveable and resilient city for current and future generations.

For more information about the program and register for events and activities click here.


Australian Wildlife Week at Queens Park: 4 to 11 October
Queens Park Environmental Education Centre
Starting from Tuesday 4 October a series of activities and workshops will be held for all ages. Exciting sessions will be held with hosts such as Kate Wall and Jonathan Gregory.

Big Day of Sustainable Inspiration: Saturday 8 October
Tulmur Place and 1 Nicholas Street, Nicholas Street Precinct
Peruse the many stalls at the Handmade Expo Market and source local and quality items, then make sure to check out what’s happening in the 1 Nicholas Street building! A collection of free talks and activities will be happening throughout the day featuring ‘This Simple Day’ blogger Nicole Lutze, ‘Eco Granny’ Rose Rush and Jessica Lindsay from Mallow Sustainability.

Free Plant Program
Claim six free plants each year with presentation of rates notice or other proof of residency. Plant species suit local climate and conditions and are proudly grown in council’s production nursery. For mobile nursery locations and Queens Park Nursery opening times see council’s Free Plants page.

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>>> Ipswich celebrates social connections for Queensland Seniors Month

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