The Ipswich Show is going green this year with council encouraging the community to opt-in to its Green Waste Service during the three-day event.
For residents who sign up to council’s opt-in Green Waste Service during the Ipswich Show period, 14 to 16 of May, they will receive up to six weeks of the Green Waste Service for free.
The city celebrated its 20,000th Green Waste Service customer in February, a service offering residents high-value, convenient food and garden waste collection service, turning waste such as grass clippings, pruning’s, leaves, fruits and vegetables into compost.
Mayor Teresa Harding said the opt-in Green Waste Service was a great opportunity for Ipswich residents to take the lead on reducing waste.
“Each year Ipswich households throw out the equivalent of more than 100 Boeing C-17 Globemaster aircrafts’ worth of waste in their red bins,” Mayor Harding said.
“Cleaning up our household waste streams is just one important action residents are taking to address waste related issues in Ipswich.
“The Ipswich Show is a wonderful opportunity to highlight the city’s green waste bins, the first step in our plans to explore a range of options for increased food diversion.”
For more information and to learn how to opt-in to Ipswich City Council’s Green Waste Service click here.
What’s the difference between green waste, general waste and recycling bins?
The green waste bin has been designed for the collection of food and garden waste.
Your green waste bin will have a lime green lid, differentiating it from your existing general waste and recycling bins.
Your green waste bin has air vents in the lid that allows oxygen to move freely though the bin, aiding evaporation and assisting in the decomposition process.
This design helps to minimize odours and provides an adverse environment for insects.
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