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Where major new medical centre will be built in Ipswich

Health services in Goodna and surrounds are set to expand with approval given for a new 24-hour medical centre on a vacant block in Mill Street.

It will be built at 23 Mill Street and as well as doctors, is expected to include several health-related tenancies including radiology, pathology, a pharmacy and specialised health services.

The approval also allows for a cafe and professional office as part of the development.

To lessen the risk of flooding, the centre will be raised above the 2011 Flood Level with unenclosed car parking underneath that allows for water to flow.

“The contemporary medical centre design provides the opportunity for the convenience of a range of health related services in a single highly accessible location,” the development application states.

“The proposed building is designed with tenancies arranged on a raised second level above the ground level car parking area, which enables the proposed tenancies to be above the 2011 flood level for the site.

“The upper level also contains a small car parking area and the overall effect is of a highly articulated contemporary building to Mill Street.

“The site is in a highly accessible location being in close proximity to the Goodna Train Station with access to a bus route on Mill Street.”

Access will be by Mill Street with a total of 169 parking bays, plus loading bays, spread across the street and upper level of the centre.

“The design of the proposed building utilises modern materials to create an attractive building that despite its elevation, will make a substantial positive contribution to the streetscape,” the application states.

“The proposal has a greater setback to reflect larger setbacks on adjoining residential land and to avoid visually dominating the streetscape.”

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  1. Is there any chance of a “Men’s She’d” being located in the immediate area near St Ives shop centre or Mill St area, I feel it would be greatly appreciated.

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