The new Ipswich City Council has launched one of the most important projects it will deliver in this term, creating a vision for the city’s future in consultation with residents.
Mayor Teresa Harding said the development of a new Corporate Plan would include a 20-year community vision that ensures the evolving needs of the diverse communities across Ipswich are recognised at a strategic level.
“The plan is one of the most significant steps we have taken in recent times and it will play a crucial role in shaping the future of our great city,” Mayor Harding said.
“We are seeking community input and this will help us determine the way forward, so we are all working together to improve our city – a place where people want to live, work and play for decades to come.”
Mayor Harding said the “community vision” is an agreement of what the people of Ipswich want the community to look like in the future.
“The Corporate Plan is a roadmap of what council will work towards over the next five years (2021 –2026). It will outline council’s key work activities, the responsible areas of council, and expected outcomes,” Mayor Harding said.
“The new Corporate Plan will include a community vision and outline council’s contribution and role in achieving the vision.
“The community vision spans a 20-year timeframe and is a shared commitment for all of us who live, work, and play in the community.”
A draft community vision and strategic themes have been developed through eight visioning workshops held over the past month.
Representation at these workshops included the Mayor and councillors, council’s executive leadership, members of council’s Community Reference Groups (CRGs), members of council’s Ipswich Youth Advisory Council (IYAC), and representatives from the region’s Indigenous community.
Mayor Harding said council had consulted and listened to a range of stakeholders through its community engagement section, to better understand the wants and needs of our broader community, employees, elected representatives and community reference groups.
“Now, council wants to hear our community’s diverse views on the draft vision and themes that will set the direction for our future,” Mayor Harding said.
Various COVID-safe community engagement/participation avenues are available throughout September and October.
Visit to find out how you can contribute.
Alternatively, drop in to your nearest community centre in Ipswich to gather more information and complete a survey. The closing date is 16 October 2020.