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7 April 2020: COVID-19 updates #ipswichtogether

4.10pm. See you tomorrow

That’s a wrap from the Ipswich First team today. We’ll be back again tomorrow from 8am.

If you have something you think we should be highlighting, send us an email at [email protected]

3.45pm. Your questions answered

Check out the latest video from Deputy Chief Medical Officer Dr Nick Coatsworth from the Australian Government Department of Health as he answers three community questions each day.

Today he focuses on mental wellbeing and is joined by Christine Morgan, CEO of the National Mental Health Commission.

3.15pm. 10 ways to keep the kids entertained in isolation

Sick of hearing “I’m bored” yet? Camping and day trips to the beach are off the cards, but there’s still plenty of fun to be had while staying home.

Check out this article for some ideas: 10 ways to keep the kids entertained in isolation

2.45pm. Don’t forget to lock up, even when working from home

Ipswich Police are urging residents to lock up and stay safe, as people tend to relax their security measures as they spend more time at home.

Ipswich Police have received a number of theft reports, most of which were opportunistic crimes where thieves targeted vehicles and homes where doors and windows were left unsecured.

Police offered the following tips to keep your home and valuables safe:

  • Lock your vehicle whenever it is unattended
  • Never leave valuables and/or personal documents in your vehicle
  • Keep keys, valuables and cash out of sight and out of easy reach, even in your home
  • Never leave your vehicle keys, valuables or personal information on a kitchen bench or hallway table allowing for easy access to thieves
  • Keep doors and windows locked in areas of the home that are unoccupied, even when you are at home
  • Get to know your neighbours, exchange numbers and keep an eye out on each other’s homes
  • Avoid leaving keys under a doormat, letterbox or any other obvious place
  • Mark your property using the Police Property Identification System
  • Consider installing security cameras. You can register your security camera with the Community Camera Alliance.

More information is available at: Lock up and stay safe, even while you’re working from home

1.45pm. Community encouraged to get active at home

Ipswich City Council recently launched its Active at Home program, allowing the community to access online physical activity classes such as yoga, Pilates, and boot camp style workouts.

Now we are calling on all personal trainers to get involved.

The response to COVID-19 has hit the fitness industry hard. However, from hardship comes innovation, and there has been a huge response from the Ipswich fitness community thinking outside the box and delivering online workout plans, live streaming workouts and filming workout routines for their clients.

Read the full story: Ipswich community encouraged to get active at home

12.40pm. Help is at hand if you need it

It is extremely important to seek out help if you feel you need it. Here are some important numbers which will have a guiding hand at the end of the line:

  • Lifeline 13 11 14 will continue to operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week;
  • Lifeline Text 0477 13 11 14 will continue to operate 6pm – midnight (AEDT), 7 nights a week;
  • Lifeline webchat will continue to operate 7pm – midnight (AEDT), 7 nights a week;
  • Kids Helpline – for children that may need support 1800 55 1800. https://kidshelpline.com.au;
  • Beyond Blue – 1300 22 4636 https://beyondblue.org.au

11.50am. Let’s keep our mob safe.

We’re all in this together. By taking simple steps to stay healthy and reduce the spread of COVID-19 we can all benefit.


11.30am. Community spirit comes to fore to help those in need

Eighty pallets of fruit and vegetables were at risk of going to waste – that was until the Ipswich community showed its generous spirit and quickly answered a call to help families in need on Saturday.

Read the full story: Generosity on show to help those most in need

11am. How to avoid stress or comfort eating while working from home

There are many pros and cons to working from home.

One of the downsides is having the fridge and pantry handy to your workstation. Many take the opportunity in these moments of stress to graze all day on that comfort food.

And often it is the wrong food in terms of health.

Fitness/lifestyle website Training Peaks has looked into the touchy subject of over eating while working from home and provides some valuable tips to avoid adding the kilos.

See the article here.

10.20am. Adapting to keep operating

The team from Wild Rose Cottage on Blackstone Road are open and serving a takeaway menu.

They are also doing home-made take home dinners.

“We also have our normal menu available for takeaway and on the weekend we are also offering a special breakfast menu,” owner Verity Ireland said.

Wild Rose Cottage has joined forces with Currey’s Flower Farm to sell bunches of roses for $10 a bunch.

Ms Ireland said they are missing the laughter and conversations and being able to use proper cups, tables and chairs.

“It’s just for a while, not forever,” she said.

9.30am. Cruise ships to leave Queensland waters

Four cruise ships that are currently in Queensland waters will have until midnight tomorrow to depart, following a joint effort from state and federal governments to protect Australian borders.

Minister for Transport Mark Bailey said Queensland had taken a very strong approach to protecting its ports since late-January.

“We brought in provisions to ensure there was a 14-day self-quarantine requirement for ships coming in to Queensland ports, and we’ve been very strict on that,” Mr Bailey said.

“What we’ve seen so far is there has been no known infections of anybody in Queensland via a Queensland port.

“We’re very clear and determined that remain the case.

“We can’t take any chances in this circumstance.

“The cruise ships will be required to leave Queensland waters by midnight tomorrow night.”

There are currently four ships in Queensland waters, two of which have refueled and are now on their way.

One ship is currently in Brisbane port refueling and once it departs the final ship will come into port to refuel before leaving tomorrow.

The four cruise ships have no passengers, with only crew remaining on board.

Chief Health Officer Jeannette Young said 119 Queenslanders contracted COVID-19 on a cruise ship.

“A further six people contracted the infection from those people,” she said.

“Unfortunately and tragically, we have seen four deaths as a result of contracting the infection on a cruise ship.

“That’s why it’s so important that cruise ships are managed so they don’t have people come off them and go into the general community and spread the virus.

“It is good to see that we’re going to prevent that risk flowing on to more Queenslanders.”

Queensland recorded 13 new cases of COVID-19 overnight, taking the state’s total to 934.

8.30am. Expectant mothers reassured

If you are due to give birth soon, you may be worried about COVID-19 and how it could affect you and your baby.

The staff from West Moreton Health want to assure the community that women and their babies will be well cared for.

“Please be assured our midwives and doctors in the birthing suite at Ipswich Hospital are applying stringent and specific safety measures to continue to provide high quality care,” the spokesperson said.

“If you are expecting to give birth in the coming weeks, you should continue with your birthing plan as developed by your care providers.

“Our midwives are available at any time for ongoing support and we encourage you to contact us if you have any questions, or speak to your GP.”

While giving birth, one person (a partner or another support person) is allowed with you at all times.

Normal visiting has been suspended with the focus being on keeping patients safe.

8am. Tuesday, 7 April 2020. Thirty-seven cases confirmed for West Moreton

The West Moreton Health district remains steady at 37 cases testing positive for COVID-19, while testing for community transmissions has been expanded.

The West Moreton Health region went from 36 to 37 confirmed cases on 1 April and no new cases have been confirmed for the past seven days.

Queensland has 14 new confirmed cases of COVID-19 on Monday.

The state total is currently 921 confirmed cases.

Of the total 37 cases in West Moreton Health district, 27 were in Ipswich suburbs, seven were in Brisbane suburbs, while there was one in Scenic Rim Council area, one in Somerset Regional Council area and one in Lockyer Valley Regional Council area where West Moreton Health provides care.

Contact tracing continues, which means West Moreton Health are directly contacting people considered to be at risk through close contact with a confirmed case.

“We want everyone to know they play a part in protecting themselves and the more vulnerable members of the community,” a West Moreton Health spokesperson said.

“Stay 1.5 metres apart, avoid touching, shaking hands and hugging, practice cough etiquette, wash your hands regularly, and stay home as much as possible, to reduce the spread of COVID-19 disease.”

Testing criteria is also being expanded.

A person is eligible for testing if they have a fever (or history of fever) or acute respiratory symptoms, and, in the last 14 days:

  • they were a close contact or a household contact of a confirmed case
  • they had been overseas, including on a cruise.

Testing is also possible for people who have a fever (or history of fever) or acute respiratory symptoms, and:

  • work in vulnerable settings such as healthcare, aged or residential care, military, correction facilities, detention centres and boarding schools.
  • live in an area where an outbreak has occurred
  • live in a First Nations community.

Queensland Health is urging anyone who meets this criteria for testing, to contact a doctor immediately.

Before your appointment, please call ahead and advise of your symptoms and recent travel they can prepare for your visit.

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