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Colleges Crossing Recreation Reserve temporarily closed due to flood damage

Colleges Crossing Recreation Reserve is temporarily closed after it sustained damage from fast rising and fast flowing flood waters.

Local Disaster Management Group Chairperson Mayor Teresa Harding said council is onsite conducting a clean-up.

Colleges Crossing Recreation Reserve bore the brunt of the swollen Brisbane River during the heavy rain and flooding,” Mayor Harding said.

“While the Colleges Crossing bridge has reopened, the recreation reserve will remain closed for some time as the recovery and repair works will be significant.

“The café Colleges By The River was severely damaged as were recreation equipment and spaces.

Café Colleges Colleges By The River was flipped onto its side by floodwaters.

Aerial view of Colleges Crossing Recreation Reserve, taken 13 March 2022 by Erwin Kern.

“Crews are currently removing mud and silt from the roadways to allow access for further clean-up and large machinery.

“Arborists have been marking what trees can be saved and what has to be removed.

“They are taking immediate action to try and save the large Eucalyptus trees that have suffered scouring around their bases from the fast-moving flood waters.

“As we work through the clean-up, council engineers will be able to assess all of the internal roadways, paths, toilet blocks, structures, shelters and playground equipment to see what needs to be removed or repaired.”

ADF personnel assisting with flood cleanup at Colleges Crossing Recreation Reserve.

The Australian Defence Force (ADF) has offered their assistance in coming days.

“We look forward to having the ADF here adding to the workforce and bringing additional machinery to speed up the clean-up and recovery work,” Mayor Harding said.

“Some other parks and playgrounds have also been damaged during the flood and we are urging residents, for their own safety, to not enter any parks that are closed or play on equipment in parks that are currently closed and taped off.

“Parks that remain either closed or partially closed include Kholo Gardens, River Heart Parklands, Robelle Domain and Pan Pacific Peace Gardens.

“We hope to continue opening up sections of flood impacted parks and reserves over coming weeks and months as work is completed.

“Council are continuing to work on flood recovery throughout the city while also maintaining usual services in council’s 550 parks and reserves.”

For information on Personal Hardship Assistance and Essential Services Hardship Assistance, contact the Community Recovery Hotline 1800 173 349 or visit www.qld.gov.au/community/disasters-emergencies

Other grants such the Essential Household Contents Grant, Structural Assistance Grant and Essential Services Safety and Reconnection Grant, which are income tested, are also available to eligible residents who are uninsured and have experienced certain loss or damage following this disaster.

Community Recovery online portal at www.communityrecovery.qld.gov.au

Part of a sports club or organisation?

The Sport and Recreation Disaster Recovery Program supports not-for-profit sport and recreation organisations with funding to re-establish facilities and activities after extreme natural events.

Funding of up to $20,000 may be available for eligible sport and active recreation organisations located in areas declared under the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA).

For more information, visit www.qld.gov.au/recreation/sports/funding/disaster-recovery

The Queensland Rural and Industry Development Authority has also released funding support for eligible not-for-profit clubs and organisations from $5,000 up to $50,000.

For more information follow this link.

For information on support available not-for-profit organisations please call the Community Recovery Hotline on 1800 173 349 or visit www.qld.gov.au/community/disasters-emergencies/disasters/support-nfp-ngos

The Ipswich Flood Recovery information webpage can be accessed at Ipswich.qld.gov.au/floodrecovery

A range of support and information is also available for Ipswich businesses impacted by recent rainfall and floods.

Visit Business Ipswich for information to help you get back on your feet.

Read also:

>>> Ipswich flood recovery hubs helping people back on their feet

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