Saturday, 4 April 2020: In our backyard
The community of Ipswich continues to work together to reduce the spread of COVID-19.
There were positive signs over the past week with the rate of new infections appearing to slow.
Also, several inspiring stories of community support and business adaptation also emerged.
The West Moreton Health district remains steady at 37 cases testing positive for COVID-19.
Queensland has 39 new confirmed cases of COVID-19 raising the state total to 873.
Of the total 37 cases in West Moreton Health district, 27 were in Ipswich suburbs, seven were in Brisbane suburbs, while there was one in Scenic Rim Council area, one in Somerset Regional Council area and one in Lockyer Valley Regional Council area where West Moreton Health provides care.
The community can rest assure that contact tracing continues, which means West Moreton Health are directly contacting people considered to be at risk through close contact with a confirmed case.
“We want everyone to know they play a part in protecting themselves and the more vulnerable members of the community,” a West Moreton Health spokesperson said.
“Stay 1.5 metres apart, avoid touching, shaking hands and hugging, practice cough etiquette, wash your hands regularly, and stay home as much as possible, to reduce the spread of COVID-19 disease.”
How you can support local businesses
Businesses across Ipswich continue to adapt to try and keep their doors open and support their staff and the community.
Top of Town eatery The Retro Diner owner Angie Parsons is used to thinking outside the box.
As the COVID-19 situation unfolded, she took a look at her staff, who are like family to her, and decided she would do whatever she could to keep her doors open.
She has transformed her cafe into a mini market.
Ms Parsons said she has cleaning products, fresh food, vegetables, fruit, frozen food and even seafood.
“We are also selling pre-made meals for people to take away,” Ms Parsons said.
In another example of how Ipswich businesses are thinking outside the box to respond to the COVID-19 situation, Arttime owner Kate Roberts has made some special COVID-19 quarARTine packs that are available for $19.
Oikos Cafe owner Brett Briggs (pictured above) wants to welcome customers to his new normal.
They are working from their window with a restricted menu.
They have line spacing out the front to comply with social distancing measures.
Letting our heroes know we care
Some of the best social media posts during the COVID-19 crisis have been about a new respect for health workers.
The Ipswich Health Foundation this week took that one step further and launched the hero-gram program, encouraging people to post messages of support for local doctors, nurses and health staff.
Read more here: Your chance to send a big thanks to our health heroes
Help is at hand if you need it
These are challenging times. It is extremely important to seek out help if you feel you need it. Here are some important numbers which will have a guiding hand at the end of the line:
- Lifeline 13 11 14 will continue to operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week;
- Lifeline Text 0477 13 11 14 will continue to operate 6pm – midnight (AEDT), 7 nights a week;
- Lifeline webchat will continue to operate 7pm – midnight (AEDT), 7 nights a week;
- Kids Helpline – for children that may need support 1800 55 1800.;
Beyond Blue – 1300 22 4636
Of the 37 cases detected how many have had afull recovery…would like to know how many are active.
Can you please look into the camping on raod sidings and Caravan Park your rest areaa.
Theee as is illegal camping happening.
Ispwich motorsport precinct isone of them.