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New bridge begins largest road upgrade project in council history

Ipswich City Council has announced the first piece of construction for the planned upgrade and duplication of one of the region’s busiest roads, the Springfield Greenbank Arterial.

Councillors approved a $3.8 million tender go to BMD Constructions Pty Ltd for a single span bridge crossing Opossum Creek on Springfield Parkway and Springfield Greenbank Arterial.

Mayor Teresa Harding said council is planning a major upgrade of the two key roads in the Springfield region, taking them from two lanes to four lanes.

“This is set to be the largest road upgrade project in council history,” she said.

“The Springfield region is experiencing rapid growth as a key urban centre within Ipswich. The Springfield town centre has the potential to accommodate 50,000 residents and in addition, longer term development scenarios suggest that the surrounding suburbs of Springfield, Springfield Lakes, Spring Mountain, Brookwater and Augustine Heights will collectively accommodate over 70,000 residents in future years.

“These road upgrades are being undertaken to meet the associated travel demands that come with this growth. Sections of the road are currently carrying more than 20,000 vehicles per day.”

A report to the last full council meeting said the City of Ipswich identifies the need to upgrade or duplicate Springfield Parkway and Springfield Greenbank Arterial to four lanes to meet the population and employment growth in the area, and the associated travel demands.

The scope for Stage 1 Package 1 includes bulk earthworks in preparation for services relocations, retaining wall installation, stormwater and underground conduit installation.

It also includes site preparation and construction of a single span 20m bridge crossing Opossum Creek, including all earth works, civil works and structural works in preparation for Stage 1 Package 2.

The road upgrades have been separated into three delivery stages. Within each stage, services such as communications, water and gas will need to be relocated before road construction can start.

Division 2 Councillor Nicole Jonic thanked motorists in advance for their patience while council carried out the extensive project which in the long term would decrease traffic congestion.

“The majority of the road upgrade will involve the construction of two new traffic lanes adjacent to the existing road. For these sections traffic delays are expected to be minimal,” she said.

“However where intersections will be upgraded from roundabouts to traffic signals, some disruptions may occur. Traffic flows will be maintained particularly during peak traffic periods.”

The overall project cost is estimated to be about $20 million. About $5 million had been budgeted for the Opossum Creek bridge, however it is planned to be delivered under budget. 

Springfield Parkway and Springfield Greenbank Arterial are identified as a principal cycle route within council’s iGO Active Transport Action Plan and the Department of Transport and Main Road’s SEQ Principal Cycle Network Plan.

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  1. When are the residents of Ipswich city going to get a new bridge, complete chaos anytime now. Will be a nightmare when the new mall is completed

  2. What about a new bridge over the river in Ipswich? Traffic always banked up getting on to Brisbane road. A nightmare ..when will we ever get one?

  3. Hi

    Is any plans for upgrading the single lane between Exit 32 and 33 of A5, and he speed limit is 100km/hr is too dangerous specially during peak hours some of the utilities vehicles are too rash in this stretch and very possible chances of crash

    If we do not have any plans for upgrading this stretch soon please reduce the speed limits



  4. Upgrade the single lane section of the centenary. Traffic is ridiculous in the afternoons. Even if the exit to the Orion is widened to stop the bottleneck.

  5. Perhaps looking at how crazy traffic is from Redbank Plains, through Blackstone to Silkstone? Choke points at both sides of the Cunningham Highway Bridge, William Street intersection, Stafford Street Intersection, then through South Station Road traffic lights?

  6. Yes, let’s just keep feeding the gourmet construction to Springfield and all these pop-ups surrounding the original Ipswich. When do we get an upgrade to East Street and that second bridge to stop the traffic chaos attempting to enter Brisbane Street when travelling over Trumpy Bridge along East Street. An abhorrent mess ….. and Council concentrates on Springfield?
    … and … When is Council going to address the bottleneck and chaos as traffic attempts to get to West Ipswich via the top of town junction of Brisbane, Linestone and Burnett streets. Yet again we are the poor cousins who are bottom of the heap where upgrades are concerned.

  7. I would like to know why the contract was let to BMD instead of the contractor that was a lower bid and had all local lpswich labour working for them

  8. What about the duel lanes on the Centenary itself between exit 31 and 33. That should be a priority. In 2 yrs of living here travel time has increased by nearly 20 minutes. Yes the above roads needs to be done as well, but through travel from Ripley, Deebing is increasing as well.

  9. Are you kidding me!!! A extra lane bridge over the Warrego Highway for Chuwar, Karalee/Karana Downs residents. What about the traffic chaos on the David Trumpy bridge? And I bet there are more. But hey, let’s make sure Springfield residents are looked after. The rest of us ratepayers and VOTERS that live in OTHER suburbs of Ipswich, well tuff biscuit. We can just keep paying for Springfield to advance while the rest of Ipswich can just fall further behind.

  10. Please upgrade the centenary highway merging lanes from 2-1 lane from Springfield towards the city just before the Logan exit.

    There is a minimum 20 minute delay to drive 1.5-2k
    Due to increased cars on the road.

    1. Agree. It was a pathetic plan to begin with and now it’s even worse. Whoever gave the go ahead should be sacked and made to travel every morning on that road.

  11. Yes, also interested on when Ipswich city will get a new bridge. It has been on the cards for many years & it’s now at a point it desperately needs to happen.

  12. The road changes in the story would be easier to comprehend if the illustrative map was labeled correctly.
    A great benefit to residents having these changes instigated. I hope they don’t stop there though, wider spread community consultation would help identify the priority and location of other vital road works.

  13. What a joke. Once again Ipswich City misses out again. A second bridge over the Bremer River from North Ipswich to East Ipswich is way overdue. Warwick Rd in Yamanto, Mount Crosby Rd in Tivoli, Brisbane St in West Ipswich are all at choking point morning and afternoon and yet nothing is happening to address the issues. Fair go to those that DON’T like in Springfield

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