
Two test positive for coronavirus in West Moreton region

THE West More­ton Health re­gion has recorded its first cases of coro­n­avirus, with two peo­ple test­ing pos­i­tive.

A 51-year-old man and a 22-year-old woman are in self-iso­la­tion.

Queens­land Health can con­firm all cases re­main iso­lated in ap­pro­pri­ate ac­com­mo­da­tion to pre­vent the spread of the virus and all pa­tients are cur­rently sta­ble.

Con­tact trac­ing is still un­der­way for these new cases.

Queens­land Health will no­tify the com­mu­nity if any other alerts are re­quired.

In a Face­book post, West More­ton Health said, “Test­ing for Covid-19 is only avail­able for peo­ple who are feel­ing un­well and have trav­elled over­seas in the past 14 days, or have had con­tact with a con­firmed case of Covid-19”.

The post con­tin­ued, “If you haven’t been over­seas or been in con­tact with a con­firmed case, you will not be tested for novel coro­n­avirus be­cause it is more likely you have an­other virus such as a cold or in­fluenza.

“If you meet the cri­te­ria for test­ing, you should con­tact a doc­tor im­me­di­ately. Be­fore your ap­point­ment, please call ahead and ad­vise of your symp­toms and re­cent travel so they can pre­pare for your visit.”

Queens­land Health is ad­vis­ing peo­ple to stay at home if they are feel­ing un­well, avoid touch­ing your face, nose and mouth, stay 1.5m away from peo­ple who are cough­ing and sneez­ing, cover your sneezes and coughs and wash hands reg­u­larly.

For more information visit the Queensland Health coronavirus resource page.

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