A house once used as a station master’s residence for Bundamba Railway Station will be incorporated in a new shopping centre development.
Ipswich City Council has approved a new centre at 29 Mining Street, Bundamba.
It will include retention and refurbishment of the existing pre-1946 station master’s residence already on site as well as a newly constructed building in a similar style.
To complete the development, the house will be relocated and reoriented to face Creek Street. Some post-1946 additions to the building will be demolished.
Four tenancies will be created across the two buildings with an overall gross floor area of 529.7 square metres.
Access to the new centre will be off Creek Street and Mining Street with 21 car parking spaces to be provided, based on a traffic impact assessment submitted with the application.
Many of the future patrons of the development are likely to access the site without motor vehicles due to the site’s location adjacent to a residential area and the Bundamba Railway Station.
The development’s design has taken into consideration the existing character zoning with Colorbond metal roofing on both buildings, cladding to be maintained on the existing character building and a rendered finish on the new building.
Awnings are included along the full perimeter of the building, excluding the side of the new building.
The development has been designed with the inclusion of glass and active pedestrian entry points and awnings along the full frontage of the development.
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>> Fishing store lands approval for expansion plans
I suppose that all the grass trees and other plants growing there will be removed in the development to make way for car parks!!!!!